k-evolution (arXiv:1910.01104) is based on gevolution N-body code (Adamek J., Daverio D., Durrer R., and Kunz M., Nature Phys. 12, 346 (2016), arXiv: 1604.06065).
k-essene based the EFT framework is added into the gevolution The free parameters to be chosen are w (the equation of state for dark energy) and c_s^2 (the speed of sound squared).
Before compilation, make sure that all required external libraries are installed:
- LATfield2 version 1.1
- FFTW version 3
- GNU Scientific Library (GSL) including CBLAS
- HDF5
Make sure that the include paths are set properly, or add them to the makefile. Also check the compiler settings in the makefile. The code is compiled by typing:
A typical command to run a simulation looks like this:
mpirun -np 16 ./gevolution -n 4 -m 4 -s settings.ini
For further about gevolution information, please refer to the User Manual (manual.pdf)
If you use gevolution for scientific work, we kindly ask you to cite Adamek J., Daverio D., Durrer R., and Kunz M., Nature Phys. 12, 346 (2016) in your publications.
For bug reports and other important feedback you can contact the authors, julian.adamek@qmul.ac.uk (for queries related to gevolution) developers@latfield.org (for queries related to the LATfield2 library)