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A* Search Algorithm C++ Implementation

A* is an efficient search algorithm used in many fields. Learn more about this algorithm on*_search_algorithm . This project is a C++ implementation of the algorithm. Given a 2D grid, start point, and a goal point, the algorithm generates a path connecting the start and the goal points and avoiding the obstacles. The grid should contain exactly one start point and one goal point. grid1.txt, grid2.txt, and grid3.txt files contain examples of 2D grids that can be used for the algorithm. The start point, goal point, and the obstacles are represented on the grid by S, G, and |, respectively. In the generated solution, the path will represented by * character.

There are 3 classes in the project:

  • Grid: This class contains the methods used to read the grid from a text file and check if it's a valid grid (e.g. a grid that doesn't contain a goal point isn't a valid grid).
  • Node: A node is a point from the grid (i.e. has x and y coordinates) that has a g, h, and f values. Refer to*_search_algorithm to understand what these values are used for.
  • AStarSearch This class contains the main search algorithm and some helper methods.

Build and Run (Linux)

The algorithm only uses the STL library. Make sure that you have cmake and g++ installed in your machine before building the project. You can check them using:

cmake --version
g++ --version

In case you don't have cmake and g++ installed in your machine, you can install them as follows:

  1. Refresh apt: sudo apt update
  2. Install GCC (which contains g++): sudo apt install build-essential
  3. Install cmake: sudo apt install cmake

To build the project, run these commands from within the project folder:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

If the project is successfully built, A_STAR_SEARCH_ALGORITHM executable file will be created in the build folder. Run the program using this command:


The program will read the grid1.txt file, generate and show the solution, as shown below:

=========== Input Grid ===========


=========== Solution ===========


Please contact me if you have any suggestion about the algorithm implementation.
