- 🔭 I’m currently working with Node.js and Kotlin.
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- 🚀 Currently working to reach the next level and beyond.
Total visitors(06/27/2021):
Total visitors(06/27/2021):
Typescript Node application which you can create, update, list and check status from physical people, toggle them to blacklist, get server uptime in seconds and in human readable format, total phys…
React application which you can create schedule posts to social networks: you can set the post text, date and hour, post image and which social network you might want to schedule it to. When a sche…
React e-commerce application based on "Buscapé" web site, using React library.
TypeScript 3
React application for Marvel's content, you can login with your GitHub username and can take a look at the 3 different sliders about heroes, movies and HQs
TypeScript 3
Node API with SQL querys, using PostgreSQL's Docker image, ESLint and .editorconfig patterns. You can insert contacts and their categories ( TABLE contacts FK category_id FROM TABLE categories).
JavaScript 1