Usage: voronoi-projection [options]
Generate a Voronoi map.
-V, --version output the version number
-n, --n <value> number of faces (default: 200)
-w, --width <value> width (default: 1920)
--height <value> height (default: null)
--colors <value> color scheme (default: none)
--background <value> background color ('' for transparent) (default: white)
--angle <value> angle (in degrees) (default: auto)
--graticule show graticule
--land <value> strategy for land (auto, full, point, poly, none) (default: auto)
--ocean favor ocean links
--fibonacci fibonacci distribution
--centroids large countries centroids distribution
--noise <value> perturbation (try: 1) (default: 0)
-h, --help output usage information
Comments and timings will be printed to STDERR, and the resulting image sent to STDOUT.
Typical usage could be:
./voronoi-projection > voronoi-world.png
./voronoi-projection --colors schemeSet3 --centroids | imgcat