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Origami registry

⚠️ This registry has been rewritten and is no longer available. Please reference the Origami Registry, instead.

Table of Contents


To set up a development environment, download and install docker for mac (

Running locally

Before we can run the application, we'll need to create a .env file. You can copy the sample.env file to .env and fill in the missing values from the Origami Registry Configuration note in the shared folder on LastPass.

Use docker-compose to build and start the container:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

Now you can access the app over HTTP on port 3000.

open "localhost:3000"

The MySQL database is accessible on port 3306, the settings for which are in the .env file.

Working with local assets

We have a series of Make tasks to simplify working with local assets. To install all the dependencies from npm and bower run:

make install

To compile all assets you can run:

make build-dev

And finally to watch and compile front-end assets during development, you can run:

make watch-dev

Setting up a local database

To work with the Registry locally you will need some data in your local database. From a completely empty database, the best thing to do is grab a copy from someone else. This update script might work but errors if the tables it expects are not there.

To run the update script locally, you will need to SSH into the Docker VM and the container for the Registry:

docker ps
docker exec -i -t origamiregistry_web_1 bash

You should now be in a bash command line for the registry app. You can now run the update registry script with the following command:

php ./app/scripts/updateregistry


Follow these steps to deploy to the qa application:

# Login to Heroku command line tool
HEROKU_ORGANIZATION='financial-times' heroku login --sso

# Login to Heroku's Docker registry
docker login --username=_ --password=$(heroku auth:token)

# Build our Docker image and tag it for the qa app on Heroku
git describe --tags > ./appversion && docker build -t . && rm -f ./appversion

# Push our Docker image to the qa app on Heroku
docker push

When ready to promote from the qa application to the production application, follow these steps:

# Rename our Docker image for the eu app on Heroku
docker tag

# Push our Docker image to the eu app on Heroku
docker push


The Origami Registry architecture diagram can be found in Google drive.


We've outlined some common issues that can occur when running the Registry locally:

What do I do if the dependencies won't install?

This is likely because you're on a different network which doesn't allow you access to the private FT repositories. Make sure you're connected to the internal network/wifi, to make sure docker-compose has access to the correct network.

The discovery script has stopped running hourly on production.

There is a row in the meta table of the database (key: cron_running_host) that will prevent the discover script from running more than once at any given time. If the discover script has stopped running this is likely because a previous update didn't finish or failed while running and the cron_running_host row did not get deleted from the table. To fix this, log in to the production database (login details are in Heroku config vars: CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL), and delete the cron_running_host row from the meta table.

A new component is not showing up in the Registry.

If a new component has been created or one has been updated to be an Origami component, the Registry might not pick it up as an Origami component on the next run of the discovery script like it does with new releases. This is due to how often the Registry scans Origami components vs. non-Origami components. The Registry scans all repositories in the Git sources hourly, but only looks at new releases of already valid Origami components, whereas non-Origami components are checked only every 48 hours.

To speed up the discovery of a new Origami component, update the module in the components table of the database by searching the module_name and changing the is_origami column to 1.

The Origami Sensei has stopped announcing new releases.

The Origami Sensei is a Slack Webhook that announces new releases into the FT Origami Slack channel. It's configured in the Slack Apps settings, by going to Custom Integrations > Incoming Webhooks and searching for Origami. If it's stopped announcing in the channel it's likely that the webhook has become disabled and will need to be re-enabled.

There are also settings for which webhook to point to in the Heroku config vars: SLACK_WEBHOOK and SLACK_CHANNEL.


In dev, these are configured in the .env file. In live, it's heroku config

  • PORT: Port used by Apache to serve HTTP traffic. Must match container's exposed ports config. Should not be configured explicitly on Heroku
  • DATABASE_URL: URL of the MySQL instance to use. In dev, this is a linked container, in live, it's a ClearDB addon (TODO: Not sure why we can't allow Heroku to simulate the ClearDB container in dev)
  • SENTRY_DSN: URL of the Sentry project to use to collect runtime errors, exceptions and log messages
  • IS_DEV: Boolean to indicate whether the app should be considered to be running in a dev environment. If true, will suppress some notifications and change error reporting behaviour.
  • GITHUB_CREDENTIALS: Used to connect to Github for the component discovery process.
  • SLACK_WEBHOOK: "Incoming Webhook" URL from Slack to which to post notifications of new discovered modules
  • SLACK_CHANNEL: Slack channel to post new module notifications in
  • BUILD_SERVICE_HOST: Hostname of the build service to use for fetching module metadata
  • VIEW_CACHE_PATH: Path on disk to use to cache view templates in Twig
  • DEBUG_KEY: String, if set in a Debug HTTP header, will set dev mode to true for that request only.

Orchestration files

The following files are used in build, test and deploy automation:

  • .dockerignore: used to ignore things when adding files to the Docker image. Generally this will be the same as the .gitignore file as the build happens at the container creation time. See the Dockerfile for more info.
  • app.json: TODO
  • Dockerfile: TODO
  • `docker-compose.yml': TODO
  • TODO


The Financial Times has published this software under the MIT license.