PubSub Diagnostics Typical genomic analyses are too slow, taking weeks or months to complete. You transport DNA samples from the collection point to a centralized facility to be sequenced and analyzed in a batch process. Recently, nanopore DNA sequencers have become commercially available, such as those from Oxford Nanopore Technologies, streaming raw signal-level data as they are collected and providing immediate access to it. However, processing the data in real-time remains challenging, requiring substantial compute and storage resources, as well as a dedicated bioinformatician. Not only is the process is too slow, it’s also failure-prone, expensive, and doesn’t scale.
This source repo contains a prototype implementation of a scalable, reliable, and cost effective end-to-end pipeline for fast DNA sequence analysis using Dataflow on Google Cloud.
To run the pipeline take the following steps:
- Create a Google Cloud Project
- Create a Google Cloud Storage
upload_bucket for FastQ files. - You can use our simulator to upload FastQ for testing, or if you don't have a real dataset. If your source data are stored in a large (>1 MB) multi-strand FastQ file you can use FastQ Splitter utility. It converts large multi-strand FastQ file into a set of single strand FastQ files and tsv file with strand timings. This transformation makes possible to work with batch source data in a streaming mode.
- Configure file upload notifications. This creates PubSub messages when new files are uploaded. With our placeholder name
, set up PubSub notifications in the following way: - Configure file upload notifications. This creates PubSub messages when new files are uploaded. Set up PubSub notifications:
gsutil notification create \
-t <topic name> -f json \
-p <subfolder path> gs://<bucket name>
- Create a PubSub subscription:
gcloud pubsub subscriptions create <subscription name> --topic <topic name>
- Provision an aligner cluster, see aligner
- Create a Cloud Firestore DB (See details in section Create a Cloud Firestore project) for saving cache and result data.
- optional If you running the pipeline in
mode you should provide "FASTA DB" and "gene list" files stored in GCS.
- NanostreamDataflowMain - Apache Beam app that provides all data transformations
- aligner - scripts to provision auto-scaled HTTP service for alignment (based on
) - simulator - python script that can simulate file uploads to GCS
- utilities - utils for preprocessing of FASTA and FASTQ files
- visualization - module for the visualization of results
- doc - additional files for documentation
- monitoring - monitors whether pubsub messages are working correctly.
To run all Nanostream system you should make next steps:
- Create Google Cloud Project
- Create Google Cloud Storage destination bucket for adding fastq files. You can use (this python module) to provide a simulation of an adding fastq files
- Create PubSub notifications (See details) for simulator dest bucket that will be creating notifications when new files will have be added to bucket
CGI example
gsutil notification create \
-t file_upload -f json \
-p Uploads/ gs://nano-stream1
- Create Firestore DB (See details) for saving cache and result data
Run provisioning scripts:
On Google Cloud Shell,
git clone
. -
cd /nanostream-dataflow/aligner/
install java8 on Gcloud instructions here
We provide a pre-built jar file. See below if you want to build the jar yourself.
To run the pipeline, first define variables for configuration:
# Google Cloud project name
PROJECT=`gcloud config get-value project`
# Apache Beam Runner (set org.apache.beam.runners.dataflow.DataflowRunner for running in a Google Cloud Dataflow or for running locally on your computer)
# specify mode of data processing (species, resistance_genes)
9) If you running the pipeline in *resistant_genes* mode you should provide *fasta db* and *gene list* files stored at the GCS bucket
# PubSub subscription defined above
# size of the window (in wallclock seconds) in which FastQ records will be collected for alignment
# how frequently (in wallclock seconds) are statistics updated for dashboard visualizaiton?
# Region where aligner cluster is running
# IP address of the aligner cluster created by running aligner/
SPECIES_ALIGNER_CLUSTER_IP=$(gcloud compute forwarding-rules describe bwa-species-forward --region=${ALIGNER_REGION} --format="value(IPAddress)")
# IP address of the aligner cluster created by running aligner/
RESISTANCE_GENES_ALIGNER_CLUSTER_IP=$(gcloud compute forwarding-rules describe bwa-resistance-genes-forward --region=${ALIGNER_REGION} --format="value(IPAddress)")
# base URL for http services (bwa and kalign)
# value for species, for resistance_genes use 'SERVICES_HOST=http://$RESISTANCE_GENES_ALIGNER_CLUSTER_IP'
# bwa path
# bwa database name
# kalign path
# Collections name prefix of the Firestore database that will be used for writing results
# (OPTIONAL) Firestore database document name prefix that will be used for writing statistic results
If you run the pipeline in the resistance_genes
mode you should add 2 additional arguments with paths of files stored in the GCS. With a placeholder name $FILES_BUCKET
add next arguments:
- Path to resistant genes sequence
list formatted with fasta formatter:
# Path to resistant genes sequence fasta list formatted with fasta formatter
- Path to text file with resistant genes references and groups:
# Path to text file with resistant genes references and groups
(Optional) Additional parameters You can manually specify some parameters such as Alignment batch size and BWA Aligner arguments:
# Max size of batch that will be generated before alignment. Default value - 2000
# Arguments that will be passed to BWA aligner. Default value - "-t 4"
To start Nanostream Pipeline run following command:
java -cp (path_to_nanostream_app_jar) \ \
--runner=$RUNNER \
--project=$PROJECT \
--streaming=true \
--processingMode=$PROCESSING_MODE \
--inputDataSubscription=$UPLOAD_SUBSCRIPTION \
--alignmentWindow=$ALIGNMENT_WINDOW \
--statisticUpdatingDelay=$STATS_UPDATE_FREQUENCY \
--servicesUrl=$SERVICES_HOST \
--bwaEndpoint=$BWA_ENDPOINT \
--bwaDatabase=$BWA_DATABASE \
--kAlignEndpoint=$KALIGN_ENDPOINT \
<<<<<<< HEAD
--outputFirestoreCollectionNamePrefix=$FIRESTORE_COLLECTION_NAME_PREFIX \
--outputFirestoreStatisticDocumentName=$FIRESTORE_STATISTIC_DOCUMENT_NAME \
CGI species bwa
--alignmentBatchSize=$ALIGNMENT_BATCH_SIZE # (Optional)
--bwaArguments=$BWA_ARGUMENTS # (Optional)
java -cp /home/coingroupimb/nanostream-dataflow/NanostreamDataflowMain/target/NanostreamDataflowMain-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \ \
--region=asia-northeast1 \
--runner=org.apache.beam.runners.dataflow.DataflowRunner \
--project=nano-stream1 \
--streaming=true \
--processingMode=species \
--inputDataSubscription=projects/nano-stream1/subscriptions/dataflow_species \
--alignmentWindow=20 \
--statisticUpdatingDelay=30 \
--servicesUrl= \
--bwaEndpoint=/cgi-bin/bwa.cgi \
--bwaDatabase=genomeDB.fasta \
--kAlignEndpoint=/cgi-bin/kalign.cgi \
CGI species mm2
java -cp /home/coingroupimb/nanostream-dataflow/NanostreamDataflowMain/target/NanostreamDataflowMain-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \ \
--region=asia-northeast1 \
--runner=org.apache.beam.runners.dataflow.DataflowRunner \
--project=nano-stream1 \
--streaming=true \
--processingMode=species \
--inputDataSubscription=projects/nano-stream1/subscriptions/dataflow_species_mm2 \
--alignmentWindow=20 \
--statisticUpdatingDelay=30 \
--servicesUrl= \
--bwaEndpoint=/cgi-bin/bwa.cgi \
--bwaDatabase=genomeDB.fasta \
--kAlignEndpoint=/cgi-bin/kalign.cgi \
CGI resistance
java -cp /home/coingroupimb/nanostream-dataflow/NanostreamDataflowMain/target/NanostreamDataflowMain-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \ \
--region=asia-northeast1 \
--runner=org.apache.beam.runners.dataflow.DataflowRunner \
--project=nano-stream1 \
--streaming=true \
--processingMode=resistance_genes \
--inputDataSubscription=projects/nano-stream1/subscriptions/dataflow_resistance \
--alignmentWindow=20 \
--statisticUpdatingDelay=30 \
--servicesUrl= \
--bwaEndpoint=/cgi-bin/bwa.cgi \
--bwaDatabase=genomeDB.fasta \
--kAlignEndpoint=/cgi-bin/kalign.cgi \
--resistanceGenesFastaDB=gs://nano-stream1/NewDatabases/DB_resistant_formatted.fasta \
--resistanceGenesList=gs://nano-stream1/NewDatabases/resistant_genes_list.txt \
--outputFirestoreGeneCacheCollection=resistant_gene_cache \
For this project the bucket nanostream-dataflow-demo-data were created with reference databases of species and antibiotic resistance genes.
The bucket has a structure like:
|- reference-sequences/
|-- antibiotic-resistance-genes/
|--- DB.fasta
|--- DB.fasta.[amb,ann,bwt,pac,sa]
|-- species/
|--- DB.fasta
|--- DB.fasta.[amb,ann,bwt,pac,sa]
- DB.fasta - FASTA file with reference sequences
- DB.fasta.amb, DB.fasta.ann, DB.fasta.bwt, DB.fasta.pac, - files generated and used by
in order to improve performance, see details in this SEQanswers answer
nano-stream-data - is a public bucket with requester pays option enabled.
To clear previously-generated services and remnants,
See steps 6 - 8 above, except bash -c
or bash -c
- docker build with recipe
- mnt gs bucket references instead of cp
- minimap2 pipeline
- sessioning? nanostream-dataflow-demo-data - is a public bucket with requester pays option enabled.
To build jar from source, follow next steps:
- Use Java 1.8. Dataflow does not yet support 1.9 or greater.
- Install Maven
- Add Japsa 1.9-3c package and it dependencies to local Maven repository. To do this you should run following command from project root:
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=NanostreamDataflowMain/libs/japsa.jar -DgroupId=coin -DartifactId=japsa -Dversion=1.9-3c -Dpackaging=jar
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=NanostreamDataflowMain/libs/pal1.5.1.1.jar -DartifactId=pal -Dversion= -Dpackaging=jar
- Build uber-jar file
cd NanostreamDataflowMain
mvn clean package
after running this command successfully, there should be a file: "NanostreamDataflowMain/target/NanostreamDataflowMain-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"