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FlaUI.WebDriver is a W3C WebDriver2 implementation using FlaUI's automation. It currently only supports UIA3.


This WebDriver implementation is EXPERIMENTAL. It is not feature complete and may not implement all features correctly.



The following capabilities are supported:

Capability Name Description Example value
platformName Must be set to windows (case-insensitive). windows
appium:automationName Must be set to FlaUI (case-insensitive). FlaUI
appium:app The path to the application, or in case of an UWP app, <package family name>!App. It is also possible to set app to Root. In such case the session will be invoked without any explicit target application. Either this capability, appTopLevelWindow or appTopLevelWindowTitleMatch must be provided on session startup. C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe, Microsoft.WindowsCalculator_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App
appium:appArguments Application arguments string, for example /?.
appium:appWorkingDir Full path to the folder, which is going to be set as the working dir for the application under test. This is only applicable for classic apps. When this is used the appium:app may contain a relative file path. C:\MyApp\
appium:appTopLevelWindow The hexadecimal handle of an existing application top level window to attach to, for example 0x12345 (should be of string type). Either this capability, appTopLevelWindowTitleMatch or app must be provided on session startup. 0xC0B46
appium:appTopLevelWindowTitleMatch The title of an existing application top level window to attach to, for example My App Window Title (should be of string type). Either this capability, appTopLevelWindow or app must be provided on session startup. My App Window Title or My App Window Title - .*
appium:newCommandTimeout The number of seconds the to wait for clients to send commands before deciding that the client has gone away and the session should shut down. Default one minute (60). 120

Getting Started

This driver currently can be downloaded as an executable. Start the web driver service with:

./FlaUI.WebDriver.exe --urls=http://localhost:4723/

After it has started, it can be used via WebDriver clients such as for example:

Using the Appium.WebDriver C# client:

using OpenQA.Selenium.Appium.Windows;

public class FlaUIDriverOptions : AppiumOptions
    public static FlaUIDriverOptions ForApp(string path)
        return new FlaUIDriverOptions()
            PlatformName = "windows",
            AutomationName = "flaui",
            App = path

var driver = new WindowsDriver(new Uri("http://localhost:4723"), FlaUIDriverOptions.ForApp("C:\\YourApp.exe"))

Using the Selenium.WebDriver C# client:

using OpenQA.Selenium;

public class FlaUIDriverOptions : DriverOptions
    public static FlaUIDriverOptions ForApp(string path)
        var options = new FlaUIDriverOptions()
            PlatformName = "windows"
        options.AddAdditionalOption("appium:automationName", "flaui");
        options.AddAdditionalOption("appium:app", path);
        return options;

    public override ICapabilities ToCapabilities()
        return GenerateDesiredCapabilities(true);

var driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new Uri("http://localhost:4723"), FlaUIDriverOptions.ForApp("C:\\YourApp.exe"))

Using the WebdriverIO JavaScript client:

import { remote } from 'webdriverio'

const driver = await remote({
    capabilities: {
        platformName: 'windows',
        'appium:automationName': 'flaui'
        'appium:app': 'C:\\YourApp.exe'


On Windows, the recommended selectors, in order of reliability are:

Selector Locator strategy keyword Supported?
Automation ID "accessibility id"
Name "name"
Class name "class name"
Link text selector "link text"
Partial link text selector "partial link text"
Tag name "tag name"
XPath selector "xpath"
CSS selector "css selector" Only ID, class or name attribute selectors. IDs are interpreted as automation IDs.

Using the Selenium C# client, the selectors are:

driver.FindElement(By.Id("TextBox")).Click(); // Matches by automation ID

Using the WebdriverIO JavaScript client (see WebdriverIO Selectors guide:

await driver.$('~automationId').click();
await driver.$('[name="Name"]').click();
await driver.$('.TextBox').click();
await driver.$('=Button').click();
await driver.$('*=Button').click();
await driver.$('<RadioButton />').click();
await driver.$('//RadioButton').click();


The driver supports switching windows. The behavior of windows is as following (identical to behavior of e.g. the Chrome driver):

  • By default, the window is the window that the application was started with.
  • The window does not change if the app/user opens another window, also not if that window happens to be on the foreground.
  • All open window handles from the same app process (same process ID in Windows) can be retrieved.
  • Other processes spawned by the app that open windows are not visible as window handles. Those can be automated by starting a new driver session with e.g. the appium:appTopLevelWindow capability.
  • Closing a window does not automatically switch the window handle. That means that after closing a window, most commands will return an error "no such window" until the window is switched.
  • Switching to a window will set that window in the foreground.

Running scripts

The driver supports PowerShell commands.

Using the Selenium or Appium WebDriver C# client:

var result = driver.ExecuteScript("powerShell", new Dictionary<string,string> { ["command"] = "1+1" });

Using the WebdriverIO JavaScript client:

const result = driver.executeScript("powerShell", [{ command: `1+1` }]);

Supported WebDriver Commands

Method URI Template Command Implemented
POST /session New Session
DELETE /session/{session id} Delete Session
GET /status Status
GET /session/{session id}/timeouts Get Timeouts
POST /session/{session id}/timeouts Set Timeouts
POST /session/{session id}/url Navigate To N/A
GET /session/{session id}/url Get Current URL N/A
POST /session/{session id}/back Back N/A
POST /session/{session id}/forward Forward N/A
POST /session/{session id}/refresh Refresh N/A
GET /session/{session id}/title Get Title
GET /session/{session id}/window Get Window Handle
DELETE /session/{session id}/window Close Window
POST /session/{session id}/window Switch To Window
GET /session/{session id}/window/handles Get Window Handles
POST /session/{session id}/window/new New Window
POST /session/{session id}/frame Switch To Frame N/A
POST /session/{session id}/frame/parent Switch To Parent Frame N/A
GET /session/{session id}/window/rect Get Window Rect
POST /session/{session id}/window/rect Set Window Rect
POST /session/{session id}/window/maximize Maximize Window
POST /session/{session id}/window/minimize Minimize Window
POST /session/{session id}/window/fullscreen Fullscreen Window
GET /session/{session id}/element/active Get Active Element
GET /session/{session id}/element/{element id}/shadow Get Element Shadow Root N/A
POST /session/{session id}/element Find Element
POST /session/{session id}/elements Find Elements
POST /session/{session id}/element/{element id}/element Find Element From Element
POST /session/{session id}/element/{element id}/elements Find Elements From Element
POST /session/{session id}/shadow/{shadow id}/element Find Element From Shadow Root N/A
POST /session/{session id}/shadow/{shadow id}/elements Find Elements From Shadow Root N/A
GET /session/{session id}/element/{element id}/selected Is Element Selected
GET /session/{session id}/element/{element id}/displayed Is Element Displayed 1
GET /session/{session id}/element/{element id}/attribute/{name} Get Element Attribute 2
GET /session/{session id}/element/{element id}/property/{name} Get Element Property
GET /session/{session id}/element/{element id}/css/{property name} Get Element CSS Value N/A
GET /session/{session id}/element/{element id}/text Get Element Text
GET /session/{session id}/element/{element id}/name Get Element Tag Name
GET /session/{session id}/element/{element id}/rect Get Element Rect
GET /session/{session id}/element/{element id}/enabled Is Element Enabled
GET /session/{session id}/element/{element id}/computedrole Get Computed Role
GET /session/{session id}/element/{element id}/computedlabel Get Computed Label
POST /session/{session id}/element/{element id}/click Element Click
POST /session/{session id}/element/{element id}/clear Element Clear
POST /session/{session id}/element/{element id}/value Element Send Keys
GET /session/{session id}/source Get Page Source N/A
POST /session/{session id}/execute/sync Execute Script
POST /session/{session id}/execute/async Execute Async Script
GET /session/{session id}/cookie Get All Cookies N/A
GET /session/{session id}/cookie/{name} Get Named Cookie N/A
POST /session/{session id}/cookie Add Cookie N/A
DELETE /session/{session id}/cookie/{name} Delete Cookie N/A
DELETE /session/{session id}/cookie Delete All Cookies N/A
POST /session/{session id}/actions Perform Actions
DELETE /session/{session id}/actions Release Actions
POST /session/{session id}/alert/dismiss Dismiss Alert
POST /session/{session id}/alert/accept Accept Alert
GET /session/{session id}/alert/text Get Alert Text
POST /session/{session id}/alert/text Send Alert Text
GET /session/{session id}/screenshot Take Screenshot
GET /session/{session id}/element/{element id}/screenshot Take Element Screenshot
POST /session/{session id}/print Print Page

WebDriver Interpretation

There is an interpretation to use the WebDriver specification to drive native automation. Appium does not seem to describe that interpretation and leaves it up to the implementer as well. Therefore we describe it here:

WebDriver term Interpretation
browser The Windows OS on which the FlaUI.WebDriver instance is running
top-level browsing contexts Any window of the app under test (modal windows too)
current top-level browsing context The current selected window of the app under test
browsing contexts Any window of the app under test (equal to "top-level browsing contexts")
current browsing context The current selected window of the app under test (equal to "current top-level browsing context")
window Any window of the app under test (modal windows too)
frame Not implemented - frames are only relevant for web browsers
shadow root Not implemented - shadow DOM is only relevant for web browsers
cookie Not implemented - cookies are only relevant for web browsers
tag name Control type in Windows
attribute UI automation element property in Windows

Deviations from W3C WebDriver Spec says:

Set the text insertion caret using set selection range using current text length for both the start and end parameters.

This is impossible using UIA, as there is no API to set the caret position: text instead gets inserted at the beginning of a text box. This is also WinAppDriver's behavior.

Element Attributes

Attributes are mapped to UI automation element properties. Attributes without a period (.) are mapped to Automation Element Properties. For example to read the UIA_ClassNamePropertyId using Selenium or Appium WebDriver:

var element = driver.FindElement(By.Id("TextBox"));
var value = element.GetDomAttribute("ClassName");

Attributes with a period are treated as Control Pattern Properties with the form Pattern.Property. For example to read the UIA_ToggleToggleStatePropertyId using Selenium WebDriver:

var element = driver.FindElement(By.Id("ToggleButton"));
var value = element.GetDomAttribute("Toggle.ToggleState");

Next Steps

Possible next steps for this project:


  1. In Selenium WebDriver, the Displayed property converts to javascript. Use Appium WebDriver to use this functionality. It uses the IsOffscreen property that however does not seem to take it into account if the element is blocked by another window.

  2. In Selenium WebDriver, use GetDomAttribute because GetAttribute converts to javascript.