This plugin targets Spigot Plugins developers who use the NMS classes. This plugin allows you to use the remapped-mojang spigot jar as a dependency and develop your plugins with this jar. This plugin exports your plugin mapped correctly according to your Spigot version (and your spigot server of course).
First, add the plugin to your project :
plugins {
id 'fr.flowarg.nmsremaphelper' version '1.0.2'
It's possible that the version written in the README is not up-to-date. So make sure you have installed the latest plugin version. Check that on the Gradle Plugins Page.
Don't reload now your gradle project because it will crash.
We need to populate the nmsremaphelper
extension before!
nmsremaphelper {
spigotVersion = "1.18.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT"
Then, make sure the remapped jar is in the maven local repository.
- Go to your user directory
- Then, go to .m2, repository, org, spigotmc, spigot, spigot version. And make sure the file spigot-spigotversion-remapped-mojang.jar exists.
- If not, you have to execute the BuildTools.jar with the
Once it's done, you have to add two repositories to your project :
repositories {
They are very common, so I think you should already have them written in the repositories
block :).
Then add the spigot remapped jar (which contains NMS classes!) to your dependencies :
dependencies {
implementation 'org.spigotmc:spigot:spigotVersion:remapped-mojang'
Then just call the remapJar
gradle task and you'll find in your build/libs directory a filename-remap.jar file! This is the one you have to place it in the plugins
folder of your spigot server instance.
If needed, you can also call the remapMembers
gradle task and you'll find in your build/libs directory a filename-remap-members.jar file that map also methods and fields name. This is mandatory since 1.18.1 version of Spigot.
And all it's done!