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Warp Java API Cookbook

Dmitry-Orekhov edited this page Dec 2, 2013 · 3 revisions

OpenFlow Java library API Cookbook

(work in progress)

The main idea is to create an event-driven application. What develeloper does have to do is to implement his own event handler and launch the Controller listening a tcp port. When Controller connects with a Switch and gets a version information from the Hello message, it starts an appropriate OpenFlow events handler, supporting a given OpenFlow vesrion which deals with OpenFlow messages and generates events against developer-defined event handler.

OpenFlow protocol Java API

OpenFlow Message and Structure handlers

Use Message and Structure handlers to comm

OpenFlow Message provider

You may operate with OpenFlow protocol messages and structures via MessageProvider class.

import org.flowforwarding.warp.protocol.ofmessages.IOFMessageProvider;
import org.flowforwarding.warp.protocol.ofmessages.IOFMessageProviderFactory;
import org.flowforwarding.warp.protocol.ofmessages.OFMessageProviderFactoryAvroProtocol;

IOFMessageProviderFactory factory = new OFMessageProviderFactoryAvroProtocol();
IOFMessageProvider provider = factory.getMessageProvider("1.3");

Now you can use the Provider to operate OpenFlow messages. Get messages in binary format ready to put into a channel:

byte [] helloMessage = provider.encodeHelloMessage();
byte [] configRequestMessage = provider.encodeSwitchConfigRequest();
byte[] switchFeatureRequestMessage = encodeSwitchFeaturesRequest();

To get more complicated messages first you need to build it, and then add fields via Ref classes. Let's consider Flow Modification message:

import org.flowforwarding.warp.protocol.ofmessages.OFMessageFlowMod.OFMessageFlowModeRef;

OFMessageFlowModRef fmRef = provider.buildFlowMod();
OFStructureInstructionRef instrRef = provider.buildInstructionApplyActions();
byte [] fmBuffer = provider.encodeFlowMod(fmRef);

OpenFlow Controller Java API

The controller infrastructure is started the next way:

import org.flowforwarding.warp.controller.Controller;
Controller.launch (SessionHandler.class); // This launches a controller listening tcp port 6633
Controller.launch (SessionHandler.class, configuration); // This launches a controller listening given tcp port 


It's a POJO containing some configuration information as tcp port number etc.

import org.flowforwarding.of.controller.Configuration
Configuration config1 = new Configuration();     // tcp port 6633 by default
Configuration config2 = new Configuration(6633);

Controller - Switch interaction

During the Controller-Sessions some events are generated. An application handles it via OF Events handler.

Switch handler

The SwitchHandler class refers to a Switch connected to the Controller. It's unique, you have to use it to communicate with a Switch, send commands or get a Switch state:

SwitchRef switchRef = SwitchHandler.create();
Long SwitchRef.getDpid();
void SwitchRef.setDpid(Long dpid);

Some code examples:

import org.flowforwarding.of.ofswitch.SwitchState.SwitchHandler;

public class SimpleHandler extends OFSessionHandler {
   protected void handshaked(SwitchRef switchRef) {
      Long dpid = switchRef.getDpid();

Session handlers

You have to implement your session handler to interact with Controller. You may manage of incoming messages handling or send messages you want. Session handlers extend the class OFSessionHandler:

import org.flowforwarding.of.controller.SwitchState.SwitchRef;
import org.flowforwarding.of.controller.session.OFSessionHandler;
import org.flowforwarding.of.controller.protocol.ofmessages.OFMessagePacketIn.OFMessagePacketInRef;

public class SimpleHandler extends OFSessionHandler {

    * User-defined Switch event handlers
   protected void handshaked(SwitchRef switchRef) {
      /*You have to implement your own logic here*/

   protected void connected(SwitchRef switchRef) {
      /*You have to implement your own logic here*/

   protected void packetIn(SwitchRef switchRef, OFMessagePacketInRef packetIn) {
      /*You have to implement your own logic here*/

Simple Learning Switch application.

You can find a source code in the package org.flowforwarding.of.demo

package org.flowforwarding.of.demo;

import org.flowforwarding.of.controller.Controller;
import org.flowforwarding.of.controller.Controller.ControllerRef;

public class Launcher {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
      ControllerRef cRef = Controller.launch(SimpleHandler.class);


package org.flowforwarding.of.demo;

import org.flowforwarding.of.controller.session.OFSessionHandler;
import org.flowforwarding.of.ofswitch.SwitchState.SwitchRef;
import org.flowforwarding.of.protocol.ofmessages.IOFMessageProvider;
import org.flowforwarding.of.protocol.ofmessages.OFMessageFlowMod.OFMessageFlowModRef;
import org.flowforwarding.of.protocol.ofmessages.OFMessagePacketIn.OFMessagePacketInRef;
import org.flowforwarding.of.protocol.ofmessages.OFMessageSwitchConfig.OFMessageSwitchConfigRef;
import org.flowforwarding.of.protocol.ofstructures.OFStructureInstruction.OFStructureInstructionRef;

public class SimpleHandler extends OFSessionHandler {

   protected void switchConfig(SwitchRef switchRef, OFMessageSwitchConfigRef configRef) {
      super.switchConfig(switchRef, configRef);
      System.out.print("[OF-INFO] DPID: " + Long.toHexString(switchRef.getDpid()) + " Configuration: ");

      if (configRef.isFragDrop()) {
         System.out.println("Drop fragments");
      if (configRef.isFragMask()) {
      if (configRef.isFragNormal()) {

      if (configRef.isFragReasm()) {

   protected void handshaked(SwitchRef switchRef) {
      System.out.println("[OF-INFO] HANDSHAKED " + Long.toHexString(switchRef.getDpid()));
   protected void packetIn(SwitchRef switchRef, OFMessagePacketInRef packetInRef) {
      super.packetIn(switchRef, packetIn);
      IOFMessageProvider provider = switchRef.getProvider();
      OFMessageFlowModRef flowModRef = provider.buildFlowModMsg();
      if (packetInRef.existMatchInPort()) {
      } else if (packetIn.existMatchEthDst()) {
      } else if (packetIn.existMatchEthSrc()) {
      OFStructureInstructionRef instructionRef = provider.buildInstructionApplyActions();
      flowModRef.addInstruction("apply_actions", instructionRef);

      sendFlowModMessage(switchRef, flowModRef);