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Flyreel SDK

Swift 5.7 Supported iOS 13



Add pod Flyreel to your Podfile

pod 'Flyreel'

Swift Package Manager

  1. Follow the Apple guide to add the package dependency to your app.
  2. Search for the package.


To use the Flyreel SDK, you must provide a configuration with the following parameters:

settingsVersion: Identifier of your remote SDK settings.

organizationId: Identifier of your organization.

let configuration = FlyreelConfiguration(
    settingsVersion: "1",
    organizationId: "7d3899f1421a7650241516475"
FlyreelSDK.shared.set(configuration: configuration)

Setting up the configuration is mandatory. Attempting to open the SDK flow without it will result in a fatal error.


Since the SDK actively uses some functionalities of the iOS system you need to provide a few permission settings

<string>We need access to the camera.</string>
<string>We need access to the camera.</string>
<string>We need access to your location data</string>

How to present UI


For SwiftUI, use our custom modifier similar to a regular sheet presentation:

@State private var isFlowPresented = false

var body: some View {
    Button("Open Flyreel flow") {
        isFlowPresented = true
    .presentFlyreel(isPresented: $isFlowPresented)


For UIKit, present the Flyreel flow on any UIViewController:

FlyreelSDK.shared.presentFlyreel(on: self)

Deep Linking

If you're launching the Flyreel flow from a deep link, push notification, or a custom solution where user details can be provided automatically, use:


func presentFlyreel(
    isPresented: Binding<Bool>,
    zipCode: String,
    accessCode: String,
    shouldSkipLoginPage: Bool = true

func presentFlyreel(
    isPresented: Binding<Bool>,
    deepLinkURL: URL,
    shouldSkipLoginPage: Bool = true


func presentFlyreel(
     on rootViewController: UIViewController,
    zipCode: String,
    accessCode: String,
    shouldSkipLoginPage: Bool = true,
    animated: Bool = true

func presentFlyreel(
    on rootViewController: UIViewController,
    deepLinkURL: URL,
    shouldSkipLoginPage: Bool = true,
    animated: Bool = true

Debug Logs

Enable debug logging for troubleshooting purposes:


Flyreel status check

You can manually check Flyreel status

///This function makes a network request to retrieve the status of Flyreel for the specified zip code and access code
func fetchFlyreelStatus(zipCode: String, accessCode: String, completion: @escaping (Result<FlyreelStatus, FlyreelError>) -> Void)

// or async version 
func fetchFlyreelStatus(zipCode: String, accessCode: String) async throws -> FlyreelStatus


/// Subscribes to a stream of analytic events and handles each event with a provided closure.
/// This function observes a feed of analytic events from the SDK. When an event
/// is received, the provided handler closure is called with the event as its argument.
/// - Parameters:
///   - handler: A closure that is called with the analytic event emitted by the SDK.
///     The closure takes a single parameter:
///       - event: A `FlyreelAnalyticEvent` type that contains event's data.
FlyreelSDK.shared.observeAnalyticEvents() { event in


Verify your implementation in the sandbox mode. Switch the environment with the configuration:

let configuration = FlyreelConfiguration(
    settingsVersion: "1",
    organizationId: "7d3899f1421a7650241516475",
    environment: .sandbox
FlyreelSDK.shared.set(configuration: configuration)

Firewall whitelisting

Here is a list of Flyreel's hosts in case you need to whitelist URLs.