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HTTP Rest API for fetching Project resources from the FocusMark platform.


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The FocusMark Project API repository contains all of the AWS CloudFormation templates used to deploy the supporting resources that the FocusMark Project Microservice API.

This represents a single API service out of several. The diagram below shows the high-level microservice design for the API. This repository contains the Project Microservice.


The repository consists of bash scripts, JavaScript Lambdas and CloudFormation templates. It has been built and tested in a Linux environment. There should be very little work needed to deploy from macOS; deploying from Windows is not supported at this time but could be done with a little effort.



Environment Variables

In order to run the deployment script you must have your environment set up with a few environment variables. The following table outlines the environment variables required with example values.

Key Value Type Description Examples
deployed_environment string The name of the environment you are deploying into dev or prod
focusmark_productname string The name of the product. You must use the name of a Domain that you own. SuperTodo

In Linux or macOS environments you can set this in your .bash_profile file.

export deployed_environment=dev
export focusmark_productname=supertodo


once your .bash_profile is set you can refresh the environment

$ source ~/.bash_profile

The deployed_environment and focusmark_productname environment variables will be used in all of the names of the resources provisioned during deployment. Using the prod environment and supertodo as the product name for example, the DynamoDB Table created to store Project records will be created as supertodo-prod-dynamodb-projectstore.


The core infrastructure in this repository consists of the following:

  • DynamoDB Table for storing Project records owned by this Microservice API
  • 3 NodeJS Lambdas - one for HTTP POST, PUT and DELETE.
  • 2 NodeJS Lambdas - for for HTTP GET (to retrieve all records) and one for HTTP GET by Id
  • 5 IAM Roles, one per Lambda.
  • SNS Topic for Project record change notification



In order to deploy the infrastructure you just need to execute the bash script included in the root directory from a terminal:

$ sh

This will deploy the Serverless Application Model (SAM) CloudFormation Stack first followed by a traditional CloudFormation Stack second.

The following diagram shows the deployment order required to successfully deploy from this repository.



The repository deploys the complete Project Microservic API. Each of the endpoints deployed requires authorization via Bearer Acess Tokens in the Authorization header. The tokens must come from a valid Cognito instance as the API Gateway deployed in this repository will validate the token against that instance. The instance must be discoverable via CloudFormation with an export of {productname}-{TargetEnvironment}-customeruserpoolarn. You will need to replace the productname and the TargetEnvironment elements with what you provide as environment variables above for deployed_environment and focusmark_productname. For instance, if focusmark_productname was supertodo and the deployed_environment was prod then your export must be supertodo-prod-customeruserpoolarn.

To learn how to generate an Access Token you can refer to the deployment documentation in the Auth Infrastructure Repository.

The response body will typically include the following object, hydrated.

    "data": {},
    "error": {},
    "isSuccessful": true,
    "pagination": {
        "additionalDataAvailable": false,
        "lastId": "None",
        "pageSize": 1

Errors in the response are always a single error. If the request encounters an error it immediately ends the request and returns the following error object. If your request is multiple errors you will not know until you have fixed the first error and made a follow-up request.

    "data": {},
    "error": {
        "code" 1234,
        "message": "helpful error message here"
    "isSuccessful": false,

Create a Project

This API endpoint will create a new Project record and return a Location header with the URL route to fetch the resource by Id. It will also include the projectId in the response body.


POST /project


Name Type Description
title string The title, or name, of the Project
path string The folder path that the Project will live under
status string The current status of the Project. Allowed values can be Planning, Active, Archived and Deleted
kind string The kind of project methodology used by the Project. Currently only Kanban is supported.
color hex string The hexidecimal value representing a color used to represent the project.
targetDate number A date/time value since epoch representing the date that the Project is targeting for completion
startDate number A date/time value since epoch representing the date that the Project started.


	"title":"Foo Bar!",
	"path": "/Home",
	"status": "Active",
	"kind": "Kanban",
	"color": "1eb850",
	"targetDate": null,
	"startDate": null


Status: 201 Created
    "data": {
        "projectId": "3c19039b-3e69-4254-a37a-a3aa33dae8d5"
    "error": {},
    "isSuccessful": true

Update a Project

This API endpoint will update an existing Project record. The response body will include the ProjectId.


PUT /project/{projectId}


Name Type Description
title string The title, or name, of the Project
path string The folder path that the Project will live under
status string The current status of the Project. Allowed values can be Planning, Active, Archived and Deleted
kind string The kind of project methodology used by the Project. Currently only Kanban is supported.
color hex string The hexidecimal value representing a color used to represent the project.
targetDate number A date/time value since epoch representing the date that the Project is targeting for completion
startDate number A date/time value since epoch representing the date that the Project started.


	"title":"Foo Bar!",
	"path": "/Home",
	"status": "Active",
	"kind": "Kanban",
	"color": "1eb850",
	"targetDate": null,
	"startDate": null


Status: 200 OK
    "data": {
        "projectId": "3c19039b-3e69-4254-a37a-a3aa33dae8d5"
    "error": {},
    "isSuccessful": true

Delete a Project

This API endpoint will delete an existing Project record.


DELETE /project/{projectId}


Status: 200 OK
    "data": {},
    "error": {},
    "isSuccessful": true

Get all Projects

This API endpoint will return a paged collection of Projects for the user.

The response body will include a pagination field with a property of lastId included. If the value is None then there aren't enough records to page. If a ProjectId is provided in the lastId property then you will need to make a follow-up request to access the second page of records. This can be done by adding lastId={projectId} to the request Query String. The ProjectId given in the query string must be the ProjectId provided in the lastId property.


GET /project

GET /project?lastId={pagination.lastId}


Status: 200 OK
    "data": [
            "projectId": "02595049-ae68-4f4d-b66d-9b1c1323d136",
            "path": "/Work",
            "kind": "Kanban",
            "status": "Planning",
            "startDate": 1594848696,
            "color": "1eb450",
            "targetDate": 1594848696,
            "title": "Hello World"
            "projectId": "f9cdeb13-adcd-41ac-950b-0737ff656940",
            "path": "/Home",
            "kind": "Kanban",
            "status": "Active",
            "startDate": null,
            "color": "1eb850",
            "targetDate": null,
            "title": "Foo Bar!"
    "error": {},
    "isSuccessful": true,
    "pagination": {
        "additionalDataAvailable": false,
        "lastId": "None",
        "pageSize": 2

Get a Project by Id

This API endpoint will return a single record representing the ProjectId provided in the route path.


GET /project/{projectId}


Status: 200 OK
    "data": {
        "projectId": "f9cdeb13-adcd-41ac-950b-0737ff656940",
        "path": "/Home",
        "kind": "Kanban",
        "status": "Active",
        "startDate": null,
        "color": "1eb850",
        "targetDate": null,
        "title": "Foo Bar!"
    "error": {},
    "isSuccessful": true,
    "pagination": {
        "additionalDataAvailable": false,
        "lastId": "None",
        "pageSize": 1
} }