This module solves the layered quasi-geostrophic equations on a beta-plane of variable fluid
depth H - h(x, y)
. The flow in each layer is obtained through a streamfunction \psi_j
(u_j, \upsilon_j) = (-\partial_y \psi_j, \partial_x \psi_j)
, j = 1, \dots, n
, where n
is the number of fluid layers.
The QGPV in each layer is
$$\mathrm{QGPV}_j = q_j + \underbrace{f_0 + \beta y}_{\textrm{planetary PV}} + \delta_{j,n} \underbrace{\frac{f_0 h}{H_n}}_{\textrm{topographic PV}}, \quad j = 1, \dots, n \ .$$
where q_j
incorporates the relative vorticity in each layer \nabla^2\psi_j
and the
vortex stretching terms:
$$q_1 = \nabla^2 \psi_1 + F_{3/2, 1} (\psi_2 - \psi_1) \ ,\\\
q_j = \nabla^2 \psi_j + F_{j-1/2, j} (\psi_{j-1} - \psi_j) + F_{j+1/2, j} (\psi_{j+1} - \psi_j) \ , \quad j = 2, \dots, n-1 \ ,\\\
q_n = \nabla^2 \psi_n + F_{n-1/2, n} (\psi_{n-1} - \psi_n) \ .$$
$$F_{j+1/2, k} = \frac{f_0^2}{g'_{j+1/2} H_k} \quad \text{and} \quad
g'_{j+1/2} = g \frac{\rho_{j+1} - \rho_j}{\rho_{j+1}} .$$
In view of the relationships above, when we convert to Fourier space q
's and \psi
's are
related via the matrix equation
$$\begin{pmatrix} \widehat{q}_{\boldsymbol{k}, 1}\\\vdots\\\widehat{q}_{\boldsymbol{k}, n} \end{pmatrix} =
\underbrace{\left(-|\boldsymbol{k}|^2 \mathbb{1} + \mathbb{F} \right)}_{\equiv \mathbb{S}_{\boldsymbol{k}}}
\begin{pmatrix} \widehat{\psi}_{\boldsymbol{k}, 1}\\\vdots\\\widehat{\psi}_{\boldsymbol{k}, n} \end{pmatrix}$$
$$\mathbb{F} \equiv \begin{pmatrix}
-F_{3/2, 1} & F_{3/2, 1} & 0 & \cdots & 0\\\
F_{3/2, 2} & -(F_{3/2, 2}+F_{5/2, 2}) & F_{5/2, 2} & & \vdots\\\
0 & \ddots & \ddots & \ddots & \\\
\vdots & & & & 0 \\\
0 & \cdots & 0 & F_{n-1/2, n} & -F_{n-1/2, n}
\end{pmatrix}\ .$$
Including an imposed zonal flow U_j(y)
in each layer, the equations of motion are:
$$\partial_t q_j + \mathsf{J}(\psi_j, q_j ) + (U_j - \partial_y\psi_j) \partial_x Q_j + U_j \partial_x q_j + (\partial_y Q_j)(\partial_x \psi_j) = -\delta_{j, n} \mu \nabla^2 \psi_n - \nu (-1)^{n_\nu} \nabla^{2n_\nu} q_j,$$
$$\partial_y Q_j \equiv \beta - \partial_y^2 U_j - (1-\delta_{j,1}) F_{j-1/2, j} (U_{j-1} - U_j) - (1 - \delta_{j,n}) F_{j+1/2, j} (U_{j+1} - U_j) + \delta_{j,n} \partial_y \eta \ , \\\
\partial_x Q_j \equiv \delta_{j,n} \partial_x \eta \ .$$
The eddy kinetic energy in each layer and the eddy potential energy that corresponds to each
fluid interface is computed via energies()
The lateral eddy fluxes in each layer and the vertical fluxes across fluid interfaces are
computed via fluxes()
Matrices \mathbb{S}_{\boldsymbol{k}}
as well as \mathbb{S}^{-1}_{\boldsymbol{k}}
are included
in params
as params.S
and params.S⁻¹
respectively. Additionally, the background PV gradients
\partial_x Q
and \partial_y Q
are also included in the params
as params.Qx
and params.Qy
You can get \widehat{\psi}_j
from \widehat{q}_j
with streamfunctionfrompv!(psih, qh, params, grid)
while to get \widehat{q}_j
from \widehat{\psi}_j
you need to call pvfromstreamfunction!(qh, psih, params, grid)
The equations of motion are time-stepped forward in Fourier space:
$$\partial_t \widehat{q}_j = - \widehat{\mathsf{J}(\psi_j, q_j)} - \widehat{U_j \partial_x Q_j} - \widehat{U_j \partial_x q_j}
+ \widehat{(\partial_y \psi_j) \partial_x Q_j} - \widehat{(\partial_x\psi_j)(\partial_y Q_j)} + \delta_{j,n} \mu k^{2} \widehat{\psi}_n - \nu k^{2n_\nu} \widehat{q}_j \ .$$
In doing so the Jacobian is computed in the conservative form: \mathsf{J}(f,g) = \partial_y [ (\partial_x f) g] -\partial_x[ (\partial_y f) g]
Equations are formulated using $q_j$ as the state variables, i.e., sol = qh
\mathcal{L} & = - \nu k^{2n_\nu} \ , \\\
\mathcal{N}(\widehat{q}_j) & = - \widehat{\mathsf{J}(\psi_j, q_j)} - \widehat{U_j \partial_x Q_j} - \widehat{U_j \partial_x q_j}
+ \widehat{(\partial_y \psi_j)(\partial_x Q_j)} - \widehat{(\partial_x \psi_j)(\partial_y Q_j)} + \delta_{j,n} \mu k^{2} \widehat{\psi}_n\ .
: A script that simulates the growth and equilibration of baroclinic eddy turbulence in the Phillips 2-layer model.