- Bootstrap
- Javascript
- React
This website uses React to create a single page application that manages the keg inventory for a pub with full crud functionality. Users can add a new keg, see details on an individual keg, update those details and delete kegs. Users can also decrement the number of pints held in each keg as they sell pints.
- Create and/or navigate to the directory you would like to contain this project on your computer.
- Initialize a git repository by typing git init in the terminal.
- Type
git clone https://github.com/Frank-Proulx/w16-tap-room-react.git
to clone the repository to your local machine. - cd into the new project directory.
- Type npm install in the terminal to install all dependencies.
- Type npm run start into the terminal to start a server displaying the page on
in your browser.
No known bugs.
If you have any issues, questions, ideas or concerns, please reach out to me at my email and/or make a contribution to the code via GitHub.
Copyright (c) 2022 Frank Proulx