This is an Overwatch Performance Tracker, web application inspired by Basilisk's Google Docs sheet.
Live version is available at
- Update seeds to generate reasonable amount of matches (500-1000)
- Refactorings
- Improve test coverage (which is zero now :)
- Rethink/improve user interface
- Improve performance (page loading speed)
- Implement overall statistics based on all matches results
- Suggest?
A little disclaimer: I know the code is pretty terrible. I open sourcing it so anybody could make your contribution and make it a little bit better :)
Setting env variables in dokku:
Dokku redis:
Creating redis container:
dokku redis:create opst_redis
Attaching redis container to app container:
dokku redis:link opst_redis opst
Restarting the app:
dokku ps:rebuild opst
Enabling monit:
dokku monit:enable opst
Sidekiq must starts after deployment because of contents of DOKKU_SCALE file. If it wasn't started, use this command:
dokku ps:scale opst worker=1