jppm add localization@git+
- Read the API Docs guide
# Import classes
# Or using package "localization"
use bundle\gignight\Localization;
use bundle\gignight\exception\LocalizationException;
use bundle\gignight\exception\LocalizationFileNotFoundException;
# Specify a short language code
$languageCode = 'ru';
# Creating a new localization file
$lFile = new \bundle\gignight\LocalizationFile("lang/{$languageCode}");
# Init localization
$localization = new Localization($lFile); # Or $languageCode
# Example write lines
$localization->set('ThISiS.ExamPle.Key', 'Hello World') # The name of the key can be any register
->set('account.user.welcome', "Hello, %s! You are %d years old?") # Supports string formatting
->set('', 'Test')
->set('...', '☺')
# Alternative
$config = array
'key' => '123',
'' => 'Test'
# Getting
$localization->get('account.user.welcome', 'User', 20); # Return "Hello, User! You are 20 years old?"
$localization->get('key'); # "123"
$localization->get(''); # "Test"
# Or using Helper (Global Function)
catch (LocalizationException | LocalizationFileNotFoundException $e)