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608 lines (417 loc) · 24.2 KB

File metadata and controls

608 lines (417 loc) · 24.2 KB



Bug Fixes

  • Fix contributions extractions endpoints which were missing deletion contributions that were later reverted (#324)


  • Fix filter documentation (#326)
  • Upgrade to OSHDB v1.2.3


Bug Fixes

  • Fix spaces from being removed from parameters like groupByValues (#305)
  • Fix inconsistent timestamp format in /elements/(aggregation)/ratio/groupBy/boundary request responses (#318)


  • Upgrade OSHDB to version 1.10.2


  • Fix performance degradation in previous release (version 1.10.0) which made data extractions very slow for medium to large query areas (oshdb#516)


Performance Improvements

  • Upgrade OSHDB to version 1.2.0, significantly speeding up queries which touch many entities, i.e. frequent tags like building (oshdb#511)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix bug which prevented some filters (which only work on ContributionView-based queries) to correctly work in contribution extraction endpoints (#305)


  • Add additional query metrics to log output: the used filter, time and some stats about the boundary parameter (type, bounding box and area) (#304)
  • Update ohsome parent module, switch to new HeiGIT maven repository (#307)


  • Upgrade OSHDB to version 1.1.2 (#302)


Bug Fixes

  • Show proper error message when a changeset filter is used on a snapshot based endpoint (#289)

Other Changes

  • Upgrade OSHDB to version 1.1.1
  • This version requires Java 17 to run


Bug Fixes

  • Fix crash and incorrect output of …/groupBy/tag and …/groupBy/key endpoints when non-existing tag keys or values are used in a query (#291)


  • Complete documentation of ohsome filters (#290)


Breaking Changes

  • remove caching command line parameter (#281)
  • update to OSHDB 1.0.0 (#281, #283)

New Features

  • tag translator parameter are now configurable via CLI parameter: tt.maxbytesvalue, tt.maxnumroles (#281)


Breaking Changes

  • update OSHDB to version 1.0.0-beta-1 (#278)
    • OSM type strings change to node, way, relation

New Features

  • add contributions/count[/density]/groupBy/boundary endpoints to fetch contribution counts/densities grouped by boundary (#217)
  • add an error message for requests without defined parameters (#227)
  • add contributionType parameter to all /users endpoints (#224)

Bug Fixes

  • fix bug which prevented error messages from being returned for non-unique parameters in POST requests (#228)
  • fix a regression causing …/groupBy/boundary to crash when used with a geometry type filter using the (deprecated) types/keys/values parameter syntax (#230)
  • fix changed name of property setting HTTP POST size (#274)


  • upgrade spring-boot dependency to version 2.5.12 (and spring to version 5.3.18) (#272)


  • remove unused log4j-api dependency (#251)


  • upgrade OSHDB to version 0.7.2, with bugfixes for not working length: and area: filters on ignite and improved job canceling (#237)


Bug Fixes

  • fix wrong thrown exceptions in case of invalid bpolys boundary (#214)
  • fix not thrown exception in case of bpolys and bcircles boundaries not lying completely within the underlying data-extract polygon (#201)

Performance Improvements

  • avoid unnecessary geometry building for count/ratio requests (#161)

Other Changes

  • upgrade to OSHDB version 0.7.1 – note that OSHDB database files from the previous version are not compatible with the OSHDB version 0.7 anymore, so you have to either redownload or recreate them from scratch (#222, #225)
  • adapt error message for contributions extraction endpoint in case of wrong time parameter value (#208)


New Features

  • add new contributionTypes property to properties parameter (#136)
  • add new /contributions/latest/count and /contributions/latest/count/density endpoints (#174)
  • add new contributionType parameter for contributions aggregation (#174)
  • contributions extraction endpoints now return the @contributionChangesetId as a separate field (#200)

Bug Fixes

  • fix uncaught GeoJSON parsing exception (#55)
  • fix a bug where getMetadataTest unit test fails in certain setups (#175)
  • remove the parameters @snapshotTimestamp and @lastEdit from full-history extraction responses (#191)

Other Changes

  • add information regarding a potential "NaN" value for ratio results to docs (#166)
  • properly skip GetControllerTest class if port1 parameter is absent (#164)
  • update ohsome parent module, requires maven version 3.6 or higher (#184)
  • update documentation(#88) (#150) and endpoints graph (#158)
  • remove deprecated request parameters from swagger definition and UI (#168)


  • contributions extraction endpoints now return the @contributionChangesetId as a separate field (backported from 1.5.0) (#200)


  • upgrade OSHDB to version OSHDB#0.6.4, fixes the following two bugs:
  • fix crash when a non-existent tag is used in a filter (#154)
  • fix crash in groupBy/boundary queries caused by invalid OSM geometries (OSHDB#362)


New Features

  • add new endpoint /contributions/count/{density} (#115)

Bug Fixes

  • fix some invalid filters in the default swagger examples (#111)
  • fix returning invalid GeoJSON using empty coordinates for deletion contributions (#129, #131)
  • fix using a proper boolean data type instead of a string for contributionType in response (#135)
  • fix a null pointer exception in data extraction requests (#141, #145)
  • make sure geometry filters are applied to all returned features of elementsFullHistory requests (#109)

Performance and Code Quality

  • improve performance of ratio requests (#114)

Other Changes

  • update all tests using the filter parameter instead of deprecated types, keys, values (#98)
  • update some default parameter values in swagger UI to slightly more sensible examples (#113)
  • restructure packages and classes within the controller and output packages (#117)
  • extend docs on contribution types (#134)
  • round coordinates of returned OSM features to 7 decimal places (#138)
  • improve code style by wrapping all code lines longer than 100 characters (#83)
  • update ohsome parent to version 2.8 (#152)


Bug Fixes

  • update OSHDB to 0.6.3 to fix a bug where certain invalid multipolygons cause an infinite loop (OSHDB#343)


Bug Fixes

  • fix crash when elementsFullHistory requests use the filter parameter (#97)
  • fix a bug where groupBy/boundary requests do ignore a given filter (#99)
  • update to OSHDB version 0.6.2, fixing a crash when building certain invalid multipolygon relations (OSHDB#334)


Prominent Changes

  • update OSHDB to version 0.6.1 (#86)
    • returned values of length, area and perimeter requests are more precise now: The previously used formulas could be off by a few of % in some cases, now all returned values are within half a percent from the real value. (OSHDB#193)
    • adjusted unit tests accordingly, from now on allowing up to 0.5% discrepancy in all affected tests
    • improved performance of groupBy/boundary requests (OSHDB#272) and processing of complex multipolygon relations (OSHDB#249 and OSHDB#287)

Bug Fixes

  • delombok code to enable working javadoc (#90)

Other Changes

  • data extraction: escape tags with @ characters (#40)
  • extend info on response parameters (#73)


Bug Fixes

  • fix a regression in version 1.2.0: groupBy requests return the property groupByObjectId instead of groupByObject as documented.


Bug Fixes

  • provide contributions response as a downloadable file (#78)


Bug Fixes

  • fixing bug Ignite trying to load non-serializable objects within lambda functions (#75)


Prominent Changes

  • several improvements to the docs (e.g. #49 and partially in #34)
  • upgrade to ohsome-filter 1.3 (#62)

New Features

  • adding new endpoint /contributions (#34)

Bug Fixes

  • fixing not-encoded pipe sign in GET requests (#60, #61)

Other Changes

  • update to oshdb version 0.5.10 (including an Ignite update to 2.9.0) (#67)
  • diverse code refactoring improvements (e.g. #46, #47, #51, #57)
  • include test directory in checkstyle (#69)


Bug Fixes

  • allowing not encoded pipe sign in GET requests (#60)


Prominent Changes

  • making filter2 parameter mandatory for /ratio requests and changing filter to be allowed to be omitted or empty (#27)
  • upgrading to ohsome filter 1.2 (#38) to be able to filter on OSM feature IDs, on a list of tags with the same key and support of empty filters
  • update of readme docs to give little intro and more usability examples (#15)

New Features

  • addition of parameter ‘clipGeometry’ for data-extraction endpoints (#29)
  • restricting each parameter to be unique in the request (#12)

Bug Fixes

  • adapting /groupBy/tag csv response to give empty result if no data matches given filters (#33)
  • give exception when no parameters are given (#13)

Other Changes

  • adding badges to the readme (#39)
  • marking types, keys and values parameter usage as deprecated and adapting swagger docs to use filter (#14)
  • update ohsome parent to version 2.4 (Java 11 compatibility) (#24)
  • refactoring of diverse code parts, e.g. zero-fill usage (a8856c9), handling of clipping the geometries (3628d04)


Prominent Changes

  • Implement new powerful filter parameter
  • Release source code under AGPL license
  • Adding of sphinx-docs under /docs folder (55a31914)
  • Removal of userids parameter and /groupBy/user resource
  • Removal of /share resource (452ea663)
  • New category 'total' in response for /users/count/groupBY/tag|key (41d0c830)
  • Deactivating contribution types in full-history response (1d7a1ec7)

New Features

  • Integration of csv as output format (3850891d)
  • Implementing cache logic used via HTTP headers
  • Parameter timeout to define custom timeout for request (8ebec3ba)
  • Nested group-by resource: /groupBy/boundary/groupBy/tag (cb82b9f6)
  • Implementing simple feature types support (fba76544, c2dcc837)

Bug Fixes

  • Wrong response for GeoJSON boundaries lying outside of data extract
  • Request parameter usage
  • Content type header and encoding of csv response
  • Proper request encoding if encoding is not defined
  • Wrong response when same geometry is used for different input features
  • Not fully working unclipped property for data extraction
  • Several other bugs (04a798b5, 01eca91f, 585933c7, 16aec329)

Performance and Code Quality

Other Changes

  • OSHDB version 0.5.8
  • Adding this Changelog
  • Start spring-boot application after connection with oshdb has been fully established (25ee2e15)


Prominent Changes

  • Springfox to 2.9.2, which results in new Swagger-UI version (93b4e55d)
  • OSHDB to 0.5.0-SNAPSHOT (b5ff6195)
  • Gzip compression for GeoJSON response (83c43fca)

New Features

  • Adding GeoJSON output format to all /groupBy/boundary resources (5bd6f4c2, 5a416395)
  • Parameter 'format' (1aaba309, 97e984e7)
  • New resources, e.g. /density/groupBy/boundary (541ebe01, 86756acc)
  • OSM data-extraction via /elements and /elementsFullHistory (e.g. 57f3540f, dd7d2a9e, f40f91d8)
    • Streams the response on Ignite, if it is bigger than 10MB (d7107bcc)
  • New startup-parameters
    • For controlling the test-execution (e.g. -Dport_data='port' to execute data-extraction integration tests)
    • --port to define the port for the API
    • --database.timeout to define the maximum processing time of a request in ms (cc3061a3)

Bug Fixes

Performance and Code Quality

  • Implementing >=1 integration test for each resource (e.g. 9ca59338, 8e170aa9, 48d5f176)
  • Renaming/combining of several classes and methods to better fit their purpose (ab5295ca)
  • Massive reduction of code due to combination of processing of GET and POST requests (9aa0511b)
  • Using CheckStyle for checking the code compliance with the Google Java styling and applying it (8d2e5685)
  • Better exception handling and response messages
  • Removing of unused parameters and code parts
  • Adapting Javadoc (e.g. 121371b1)


Prominent Changes

  • showMetadata parameter can now accept true/false as input (469b0316)

New Features


  • Fixing wrong results for specific keys/values combinations using /share (092b3c1c)
  • Fixing too high results in some /users resources (ec5626d1)

Performance and Code Quality

Other Changes

  • ASCII representation of the HeiGIT logo in the console when running the jar file (77295e1f)
  • showMetadata and types input can be written in upper and lower case (469b0316)
  • Request URL in error response will only be included for GET requests (fa0bf285)
  • Spaces, empty lines, etc. are neglected in processing of bpolys and showMetadata input (f559b9be)