This is a simple introduction to matlab for image analysis. The codes used here require installation of image processing toolbox, deep learning toolbox.
Volume: This part deals with calculation of volume of a binary mask containing ones and zeroes. The file Niti_vol.m also contains codes in R and fsl for performing the same task are also provided.
ImN='test.nii'; %assign ImN
info=niftiinfo(ImN);%check dimensions of ImN
Roi=niftiread(ImN); %Roi is handle for image
%nnz=number of nonzero elements
%equivalent codes in fsl
%fslstats 1000M_ica.nii -V
%describe shape of volume
Roi=Roi>0.5; %ensure binary mask
s = regionprops3(Roi,"Centroid","PrincipalAxisLength","Orientation","Extent","Solidity");
centers = s.Centroid; %note s is the output of regionprops3. Centroid is a subset of s.
TSNE: This part deals with calculation of centre of gravity of a binary image. The file tsne_image.m illustrates the use of random number to create 3D array and 3D plot with scatter3. T-stochastic neighbourhood embedding (tsne) is used to visualise the low dimensional representation of the imaging data. the outputs of tsne are illustrated with 4 subplots, each created from different distance measurements.
%generate array of data
a1= a+ s.Centroid(1);
b=randperm(13,10); %10 number up to 13
b1= b+ s.Centroid(1,2); %column 2 row 1
c=randperm(16,10); %10 number up to 16
c1= c+ s.Centroid(1,3); %column 3 row 1
%create string array
Vol=categorical(Vol); %convert to categorical
%combine data into array
ArrayCentroid=[a1;b1;c1]'; %transpose to create 3 columns
%add Volume data to array.
%note that Vol is categorical vector and needs to be added as such
% ArrayCentroid Var2
% __________________________ ______
% 72.005 68.601 57.502 small
% 71.005 70.601 69.502 medium
% 66.005 75.601 63.502 large
% 67.005 73.601 68.502 large
% 64.005 72.601 70.502 medium
% 65.005 65.601 64.502 medium
% 63.005 69.601 66.502 large
% 70.005 64.601 62.502 large
% 68.005 71.601 58.502 small
% 69.005 63.601 67.502 medium
Y = tsne(ArrayCentroidTable.XYZdim,'Algorithm','exact','Distance','euclidean');
gscatter(Y(:,1),Y(:,2),ArrayCentroidTable.Volume) %scater plot