Node based control system for dcserver - cli, eventually gui
Needed for each AWS account
one aws account key per agency
- dcAlias - S alias -> dca dcTitle - S --- entered for each account added, not copied from prime --- dcNote - S dcDefaultVPC - S dcDefaultAZ - S dcDefaultSG - S
- dcSecurityGroup - S aws sg id
dcPublicPorts [ port, port, etc ]
dcManagingAgency - S alias - dca dcAllowedAgencies [ alias, alias, etc ]
dcSubnet during install, pick the VPC and the AZ, then a matching subnet is automatically found
- dcSubnet - S aws subnet id dcAvailabilityZone - S aws az dcManagingAgency - S alias - dca
- dcAlias - S alias -> prod-2 dcTitle - S copied from prime dcNote - S " dcRootHost - S " - url for root tenant, ex. dcManagingAgency - S alias - dca
- dcId - S dep alias + "_" + node dcAlias - S alias -> prod-2 dcNodeId - S --- orienting info --- dcSecurityGroup - S aws sg id dcSubnet - S aws subnet id dcAvailabilityZone - S aws az --- instance info --- dcUser - S ec2 user to login as dcKeyPair - S ec2 key pair id dcInstanceId - S ec2 instance id dcServerType ec2 server type ex. "m5n.large" dcIpAddressAllocationId ec2 ip allocation id (not association id) dcReserveId ec2 reservation association dcBootDiskVolumeId ec2 volume id dcBootDiskDevice device name such as nvme0n1 (from /dev/nvme0n1) dcServerDiskVolumeId ec2 volume id dcServerDiskDevice device name such as nvme1n1 (from /dev/nvme1n1)
combine info from multiple agencies prime accounts
- dcCompileId - S aws id + "_" + agency alias dcSecurityGroup - S aws id dcAgency - S alias - dca dcAccessRules [ { Name: nnnn, // user or location such as an office Access: 'CDIR' } ]
compile process
- connect to prime account
- collect rules in dcConfigPrime (of your prime account)
- collect rules for members of team
- for each secondary account find the Deployments
- for each Deployment find the Teams
- for each Team find the members
- combine all these rules
- set dcAgencySecurityCompiled in prime account by taking these combined rules and
- find the dcSecurityGroup for each prime Deployment
- set into compiled record
- run the sg updator for that security group
- combine the dcPublicPorts from there
- get rules from dcAgencySecurityCompiled for ALL agencies in that account
- for each secondary account
- find the dcSecurityGroup for each secondary account
- set into compiled record
- run the sg updator for that security group
- combine the dcPublicPorts from there
- get rules from dcAgencySecurityCompiled for ALL agencies in that account
the account where the dcConfig's dcManagingAgency is the same agency as the one who owns the account. Such as DCA's AWS account - the dca agency then would be the Primary and use these tables.
- dcAlias - S always "root" - always 1 item dcManagingAgency - S alias for this account - dca dcAccessRules [ // these get copied to all other Accounts in the form of compiled { Name: nnnn, // user or location such as an office Access: 'CDIR' } ]
- dcId - S uuid dcName - S dcNote - S dcAccessRules [ { Name: nnnn, // user or location such as an office Access: 'CDIR' } ]
- dcId - S uuid dcTitle - S dcNote - S
- dcId - S uuid dcUser - S uuid dcTeam - S uuid
dcAccountPrime // for accounts other than prime
- dcId - S
dcTitle - S dcNote - S // this note goes into the dcAgency note in the destination account dcPlatform: ex. "AWS" dcControlRegion: ex. "us-east-1" KeyId: to access the platform SecretKey encrypted, from the local config file
- dcAlias - S alias -> prod-2 dcTitle - S dcNote - S dcRootHost - S url for root tenant, ex. ComputeRegion: ex. "us-east-2", StorageRegion: ex. "us-east-1"
- dcId - S uuid dcAccount - S uuid dcDeployment - uuid
- dcId - S uuid dcDeployment - uuid dcTeam - S uuid