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Get started

1. Clone this repo

2. Install dependencies, including the Supabase CLI


Note: If you install the Supabase CLI using a different method you have to make sure you are on version 1.49.4 as more recent versions currently suffer from an issue which prevents this from working correctly.

3. Create frontend env file

cp .env.example .env.local

4. Update environment variables in .env.local

# Change this to your Stripe Keys

# Change this to your OPEN AI API Key

Open AI

- Go to this link
- Log in / Sign up
- Create new secret key
- Copy Key and Paste to OPEN_API_KEY


  • Go to this link
  • Log in / Sign up
  • On the dashboard, make sure you are on "Test Mode", then
    • copy "Publishable key" to "NEXT_PUBLIC_STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY"
    • copy "Secret key" to "STRIPE_SECRET_KEY"
  • Create active product with 1 recurring price
    • copy Price "API ID" to "STRIPE_PRICE_ID"
  • Make sure you activate "Customer Portal Link" here. This will make a customer portal to cancel plans etc.

5. Create OAuth Access from google cloud console

  • Go to your google cloud console
  • Search OAuth
  • Open OAuth consent screen
  • Select your Project on the top left screen
  • Select external and create
  • Fill up form and add test users
  • Open Credentials Page (on the left side corner)
  • Create Credentials, OAuth client ID
  • Select web application
  • Fill up form and add to "Authorized redirect URIs" this link http://localhost:50321/auth/v1/callback
  • Copy and Save client ID and Secret

6. Start Stripe Webhook redirection to localhost

brew install stripe/stripe-cli/stripe -- only Mac Homebrew
stripe login
  • Forward webhook to local path
 stripe listen --forward-to localhost:3100/api/stripe/webhook

Take the webhook signing secret and use as STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET in .env.local

7. Create supabase functions env file, Add to the .env file the keys you've generated from google cloud

cp supabase/.env.example supabase/.env

8. Start Docker

Open Docker Desktop

If you encounter docker issues on Mac,

sudo ln -s ~/.docker/run/docker.sock /var/run/docker.sock

blog post

9. Start the supabase project

yarn supabase:start

Note: If you have an existing database and want to reset the db or update the db you can use this command

yarn supabase:reset

Dashboard: http://localhost:50323/projects. Set in config.toml

10. Start the frontend build watcher locally

yarn dev

11. Open http://localhost:3100 with your browser to see the result.


  1. Create a new project on Supabase
  • Add the Google provider
  1. Create a new project on Vercel
  • Set all the same environment variables as .env.local
  1. To deploy the frontend, connect your Vercel project to your GitHub repo and push to main.

  2. To deploy the supabase functions, first login to Supabase:

npx supabase login

Then, link your project:

npx env-cmd -f ./supabase/.env npx supabase link --project-ref <project-ref>

You'll need to push the schema to the database:

supabase db push

How to debug vercel

Q: Where are the logs?



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