For using MongoDB in local machine
- Install MongoDB
- In terminal window go to folder \MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin
- Launch the server Mongo with command "mongod"
- In another terminal window go to the same folder \MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin
- Launch the MongoDB shell with command "mongo"
- You can use command "help" to see available commands
- Create user in the admin db use admin db.createUser( { user: "root", pwd: "root", roles: [{role: "root", db: "admin"},{role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin"}] } )
- Create or switch to the db gamification use gamification
- Create user in the gamification db db.createUser( { user: "root", pwd: "root", roles: [{role: "dbAdmin", db: "gamification"}] } )
** For building and launching application**
- In the terminal window go to the project folder, use command "gradle clean build". "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" means that build is successful :)
- You can find the built jar-file in gamification/build/libs, go to that folder
- Use command "java -jar gamification-1.jar"
- The string "Started Gamification" means the successful start. Default port – 8080.
- Open one of the helper programs to create and test custom HTTP requests-responses, e.g. "Advanced REST client"
- Choose the tab "Request", content-type - application/json.
- Follow the API. Important: the first - to add something, then - you can get it.
** API**
url | /achieve |
method | post |
------------ | --------------------------------------- |
body | { |
"userFromId": "sasha", | |
"userToId": "ira", | |
"pointCount": 2, | |
"description": "good work" | |
} | |
------------- | --------------------------------------- |
description | to add an achievement and receive the |
response with the achievement id |