Blaze is a swipe app, similar to Tinder, which includes every core feature of a typical swipe app, e.g., swipe-based interactions, matching algorithm, and 1-to-1 chat. Users can set preferences, update account settings (username, email) and profile. In case of unmatching with someone, the chat will be permanently deleted. However, unmatched users may show up on the feed and there will be a chance to match with them again.
Typescript - strongly typed programming language that builds on JavaScript
Vue-3 (vue-router) - framework for building web user interfaces
VeeValidate, Yup - takes care of value tracking, validation, errors, submissions and more.
Pinia - the intuitive store for Vue.js
Tailwind - utility-first css framework
1. First of all you need to clone blaze-front repository from github:
2. Next step requires you to run npm install in order to install all dependencies.
npm install
3. Now we need to set our env file. Go to the root of your project and execute this command.
cp .env.example .env
And now you should provide .env file all the necessary environment variables:
You can run development server by executing:
npm run dev
├─── public
├─── readme
├─── src
│ ├─── assets
│ ├─── components
│ ├─── composables
│ ├─── config
│ ├─── helpers
│ ├─── layouts
│ ├─── router
│ ├─── schemas
│ ├─── services
│ ├─── stores
│ ├─── types
│ ├─── utils
│ ├─── views
│ - App.vue
│ - main.ts
- .env
- env.d.ts
- index.html
- package.json
- postcss.config.js
- tsconfig.json
- tsconfig.node.json
- tailwind.config.js
- vite.config.ts