You are going to download or clone a copy of the application onto your computer to follow along: git clone --branch master
Downloading a zip file, if you are not familiar with Git or don’t have it installed, you can easily download a zip file of the repo. Click on the green “Code” button and then click on “Download ZIP.” This will download a zip file of the repo onto your computer which you will then need to unzip.
You will need to install all of the npm packages and dependencies. You will need to install NodeJS - if you don’t have it already installed on your computer. You want to make sure that you download the “LTS” version of Node and not the “Current” version.
Install VSCode from here - Within VSCode, you can open the repo via File > Open Folder.
Now that you have the application opened inside of VSCode we can use the built-in terminal to install our NPM packages. You can open the terminal via Terminal > New Terminal then type the following to install all of our NPM dependencies - npm install.
To open Cypress run the following command: npx cypress open.
/_ THESE STEPS MAY NOT BE NEEDED On opening Cypress you will be prompted with the Launchpad. Its job is to guide you through the decisions and configuration tasks you need to complete before you start using Cyrpres or writing your first test. If this is your first time using Cypress it will take you through the following steps in order. _/
On the Launching Browser page you're presented with the list of compatible browsers Cypress found on your system so, select a Browser and click 'Start' button.
To run sctipts headlesly within the terminal use the following syntax - "npm run command_name". For the list of avaliable commands refer to cypress/package.json file.