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GerHobbelt edited this page May 17, 2011 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the mootools-filemanager wiki!


  • Up and Go in 5 Minutes Flat - basic use and deployment
  • User Guide - when you're sitting behind a web browser and want to optimally learn to use the filemanager
  • Programmer Guide - when you are a developer seeking to work with the filemanager in your project(s)
  • Developer Guide - when you consider working on the filemanager; edit its code, know about the structure and technical design and/or diagnose/debug internals
  • I want to ... - you're task/goal oriented. You want the process you want to execute, explained. You want a pointer where to look / to start. You pray for workflow. Scenarios. Use cases. The 'classic' documentation organization above isn't you. Then check in here.

Documenter TODO:

  • remove the default 'Welcome' above. Pedal to the metal from the get-go.

  • Do a diagram of the wiki (page) organization; this thing wants/needs the same level of meticulousness you apply to your coding. github is cool, but their wiki needs a little help in that department: it's not a writers' toolchest.

    Insert rant: wiki's are the second level cop-out-laziness answer of engineers to actual information communication. Doxygen et al are level nr. 1. Smart move, because the MS Word documents were far worse. Few corporate types understand the usefulness of real documentalists. They deserve a fee that's higher than mine. Trouble is: no-bloody-body is hiring them, at least anywhere where I am around, not back then, not now. So the boys keep on doing a man's job. Sigh.

I might polish up my dot skillz for this one. We need to visualize the structure and walk/flow in these them document pages.

  • do the flowchart diagrams for the MTFM design. (Visio or Illustrator, fallback is PowerPoint. Screw OSS cause there's nothing there that's actually doing what I want. Export to eps/png/whatever.) Don't forget the timeline diagram like you wished the geeks at Rational would've done -- if they hadn't been so darn el cheapo CASE tool development minded and instead stuck more to Booch's visuals which remain rather readable when it's past 1200 AM and you're on your second wave thanks to OD-ing on caffeine. Again.

  • Don't forget about these:

    • The Roadmap -- Where do we want to go tomorrow? The road ahead. (That's two Mr. Gates' references in one bullet. Oy!)

    • unit testing and testing in general. The relation of that to the Demos/ section. The Files. The Test pages. Will I be able to use SimpleTest the way I intend to? And how should any user/developer of FileManager regard that newfangled oldfashioned idea?

  • write the documentation. Dang it!