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Technical Design Considerations

GerHobbelt edited this page Apr 18, 2011 · 1 revision

This page is for developers working on or with mootools-filemanager and appreciate the concept of white boxes over black boxes. This page is when you start to ask "why?" (... was this done this way?)

All communication from back-end (server) to front-end (client) is formatted as JSON. However, there is one notable exception, or maybe two...

The front-end sends requests to the backend using the HTTP protocol and uses both GET and POST: POST is used for most requests, but a few requests 'require' GET to be straightforward (such as the 'download' request). Again, there's a caveat...

If you want to serve content fast, there are a few rules, and then, there are few rules.

Particular attention has been paid to the performance of the directory view, i.e. how fast can you browse a directory / directory tree?

The 'detail' view also has received ample attention re performance, which resulted, among other things, in the generic approach to providing image content as late as possible. There's a reason for that.

And then, why did we not make it even faster by doing ...

Usually, you won't be using mootools-filemanager on its own, but as part of a larger system. It's got events and callbacks 'up the wazoo' to assist with integration-type work and there are a few things you can do, by design, which may not be obvious.