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Reasons For Change: Backend Configuration Options

GerHobbelt edited this page May 17, 2011 · 1 revision

Go medieval. RFC3986 (or was it RFC3896? Me and my left/right wiring jumble :-( ) It's RFC3986.

There's a lot of confusion happening with the current option set and the names of the options, combined with the wrong kind of documentation to them and mix that with some misconceptions about what is A or B plus a good bit of Alzheimer on my part and you get a horrible mess.

So the new option naming is designed to clearly and unambiguously identify what sort of thing, path/directory/URL/whatever-wise speaking, should go in there. For each option. Because there's easy ones and nasty ones in there, right next to one another.

Relate that to the demos, frameworks, URL rewriting, vhost- or regular 'aliasing' and what you need to do when you're into any or all of those.