Welcome to LeetBot, your personal assistant for tackling LeetCode questions with ease.
- Powered by the magical capabilities of Google Gemini, LeetBot provides intelligent assistance to help you think outside the box and conquer challenging problems.
Explore the capabilities of LeetBot by watching our demo video:
Get started with LeetBot by loading the extension into your browser. Simply follow the instructions provided in the extension's documentation. To load an unpacked extension in Microsoft Edge for development or testing purposes, you can follow these steps:
1.Download LeetBot Extension: Download extension from Here
Access Browser Extensions Management:
- Open Microsoft Edge.
- Click on the menu icon (three horizontal dots) located in the top-right corner of the browser window.
- Navigate to "Extensions" from the dropdown menu.
Enable Developer Mode:
- In the Extensions page, locate the toggle switch for "Developer mode" and enable it.
Load the Extension:
- After enabling Developer mode, a few new options should appear.
- Click on the "Load unpacked" button.
Select Your Extension Directory:
- Navigate to the directory where you have downloaded/cloned Leetbot are located using the file explorer window that appears.
- Select the folder containing extension files.
- Click "Select Folder" to load the extension.
Confirm Extension Loading:
- Once you've selected the extension directory, Edge will load the extension.
- You should see your extension listed among the installed extensions in Edge.
By following these steps, you can easily load an unpacked extension in Microsoft Edge for development or testing purposes.
Happy Coding with LeetBot!