- 👋 Hi, I’m @GilbertoHdz
- 👀 I’m interested in Aliens and Cats.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning to be the best person every day.
- 📫 How to reach me:
| MAD Skills - Modern Android development | Jetpack Components | Jetpack Compose | Dagger 2, Dagger Hilt | Koin | UnitTest | Instrumented Test | CI/DC | SOLID | Retrofit | GraphQl | Firebase API's | Google API's | Payments (In-App) | Shopify SDK | Stripe SDK | MVVM | Java | Kotlin | Google Maps API -
| AlamoFire | Firebase API's | Google API's | Payments (In-App) | Swift | Swift UI | MediaPlayer | App distribution to Internal Testers and Production | CI/CD | MVVM | MVP | SOLID -
| Java | Spring | Spring Boot | Spring Security | JDBC Template | JPA | VueJs | ReacJs | NodeJs | JavaScript | Oracle DB | SQL Server | PL Sql | T-Sql | Oracle WebLogic | Google Maps | Firebase DB | Mongo DB
- PL-Coding, The Canvas Masterclass with Jetpack Compose | PL-Coding, Building Industry Level Apps With Multi Module Architecture | PL-Coding, Building Industry Level Multiplatform Apps With KMM | PL-Coding, Professional App Development With CI/CD | Kodeco, Android & Kotlin Learning Paths + 16hrs | Kodeco, iOS & Swift Learning Paths + 15hrs | LinkedIn, Kotlin Advance | Udacity, Android Kotlin Nanodegree | Udacity, Android Java Nanodegree | Coursera, Java Microservices | Coursera, Kotlin for Java Developers | Pluralsight, Skill IQs + 47 Total Courses | Udemy, Web Development with Spring Boot From Zero to Ninja | Udemy, iOS 12 and Swift 4.2 for Beginners: 200+ Hands On Tutorials | Udemy, VueJS 2 Create Advance Modern Webapps | Certified Associate, Java SE 7 | Wesbos, Fullstack Advanced React and GraphQL | Wesbos, Learn Node | Wesbos, React For Beginners