Welcome to the Raspberry Award Tracking System project repository! This project consists of a Spring Boot API, developed to check which producer has the longest interval between two Raspberry Awards, according to the specification presented in Documentation (pt-BR).
Clone this repository to your computer:
git clone https://github.com/GiovaniRizzato/pior-filme-backend.git
If necessary, replace the data in file at src\main\resources\csv\movielist.csv, following the format, as the exemple:
year title studios producers winner 1980 Can't Stop the Music Associated Film Distribution Allan Carr yes 1980 Cruising Lorimar Productions, United Artists Jerry Weintraub 1981 The Formula MGM and United Artists Steve Shagan -
Run the application using the Springboot IDE of your choice or enter the commands:
mvn dependency:resolve mvn spring-boot:run
Clone this repository to your computer:
git clone https://github.com/GiovaniRizzato/pior-filme-backend.git
Run all the integration tests at once using the commands:
mvn dependency:resolve mvn test
*Note.: The data for testing is stored at src\test\resources\csv\movielist.csv, if that is changed the integration testing is going to break.
Method | URL | Response Body |
/movies |
Movie DTO |
/movies?projection=min-max-win-interval-for-producers |
Producer Winning Gap DTO |
movies: Movie[],
class Movie: {
id: number,
year: number,
title: string,
winner: boolean,
studios: string[],
producers: string[],
min: ProducerWinning[],
min: ProducerWinning[],
class ProducerWinning: {
producer: string,
interval: string,
previousWin: number,
followingWin: number,