Climate Tool is a QGIS plugin for assessing climate impacts in cities. The plugin is under development and will be released here in June 2019. The tool is modelling the climate impacts in the cities. It provides information about the current CO2 emission situation in the cities by taking into account various emission sources. It also provides scenarios for the future using land use planning information. In the inital phace only datasets from the City of Tampere are used. The plugin will need a PostGIS connection and several ready made datasets in the database in order to work.
Developed by the joint cooperation of City of Tampere, Ubigu Ltd, Tietotakomo & Gispo Ltd.
The plugin is still in beta-development. Please report issues to
Many thanks to the project team!
This plugin relies on urban zone data provided by Statistics Finland and Finland's environmental administration Please read for more information.
Read also Lisence description for more information.
Before installing the plugin, make sure to install the Python requests-library. This can be done by executing the command:
pip install requests
On Windows QGIS installations, installing the requests library can be done using the OSGeo4W Shell. Open the shell as an administrator and run commands:
pip install requests
Python-requests may be replaced by the QGIS built-in QgsFileDownloader class in a future version of the plugin.
Download the repository as a zip using the Clone or download button in GitHub (above).
Launch QGIS and the plugins menu by selecting Plugins - Manage and Install Plugins from the top menu.
Select the Install from ZIP tab, browse to the zip file you just downloaded, and click Install Plugin!
Using the plugin is fairly straightforward:
1. The tool can be found after installation under Plugins > Ilmastovaikutusten arviointityökalu
2. Check the database connection from Setup / Asetukset (in the bottom of the plugin dialogue). If you do not have the access, contact
3. Select the study area / Tarkastelualueen rajaus
- Area / Geometrinen alue (at the moment only City of Tampere is possible)
- Select governmental area / Hallinnollinen alue (at the moment only region of Pirkanmaa)
4. Add at least these datasets from your own files (e.g. in shp. -format) in order to calculate current situation of the climate assessment (check out data requirements). You can add them from your files or from the layer list:
- YKR rakennukset (Urban grid buildings)
- YKR väestö (Urban grid population)
- YKR työpaikat (Urban grid jobs)
5. Run the calculation.
6. If you want to calculate future scenarios (Laske tulevaisuustiedot), add at least these datasets:
- Zoning elements (Aluevaraustiedot) (check out data requirements)
- Target year (Note that the calculation will be created for every year and it might take a while)
7. Optional: add also central network information (keskusverkkotiedot) and public trafic stops (joukkoliikennepysäkit) (check out data requirements).
8. Advanced: choose suitable methods for calculation
- Add PITKO scenario (heating and electricity scenarios) or use default parameters. Options are different scenarios accoriding of a Long term emission developement study PITKO. Possible values are: ‘wem’, ‘eu80’, ‘kasvu’, ‘muutos’, ‘saasto’, ‘static’.
WEM: (default) Finland acchieves the national energy and climate political goals for year 2020 and they stay static after 2020. Economy is growing 2-3% a year and renewable energy share in end consumption is at minimum 38% in years 2030-2050.
EU80: Low emission scenario full fills the energy and climate political goals for 2030 and tightens the emission for greenhouse gases up to 80 % until 2050. Base for this are the EU policies for Finland.
kasvu (growth): Low emission goals are acchieved by accelerated use of new technology: strong electrification, digitalization and renewal of industries. Economic growth in Finland is due to exceleration of imports.
muutos (change): Human values and growing environmental awareness enable radical changes. The society will become more service orientated, takes new technologies in use, dietary habits change and structural changes occur in the industry.
saasto (saving): Sharing and recycling economy and significant efficiency in energy consumption act as main elements for gaining low emission goals. Agriculture and forstery economies are promoting recycling economy and mineral oil based products are being replaced by new bio products.
static: Global unstability prevents and slows down the development. Social inequality and economic growth are weak in Finland and globally. Present model for EU disintegrates and Asia becomes stronger. Finland full fills its goals for low emission goals, but only in the last possible moment.
- Add emission allocation methods. Possible values are ‘em’=energiamenetelmä (energy method) and ‘hjm’=hyödynjakomentelmä (method for calculating emissions).
em: Energy factor
hjm: (default) Emissions and fuels form electricity production and production of heating are divided by alternative production methods.
- Add used electricity emission types. Possible values are 'hankinta'=purchase and 'tuotanto'=provision.
Hankinta: Imported electricity and transfer loss
Tuotanto: Only Finnish electricity production (used more often)
- 250*250 m grid, vector layers in PostGIS database
- CO2 emissions of different emission sources in the cities. Current situation as map layer.
- Predictions of CO2 emissions in the future (using scenarios from land use planning). One map layer with all target years. These can be sorted or visualized further.
- Ready made visualizations for the map layers including grids and top emission source/grid cell
- QGIS 3.4.6
- PostgreSQL 9.4 (tested on PostgreSQL 9.6+)
- PostGIS 2.1.8 (tested on 2.2+)
The tool can be used by city developers (land use planners) for
- Understanding the current situation of CO2 emissions in the community
- Detect the effects of land use planning (planned building, use and maintanence) in CO2 emission levels
- See trends in of CO2 emission changes in the future
Climate Tool takes into account several data sources from the cities:
- Building
- Traffic
- Public transportation
- Electricity consumption
- Heating
- Carbon sinks
- Land use plans
- Scenario information for the future