This library is a collection of easing functions, also known as easing curves or tweening functions, that allow for smooth transitions and animations in Unity.
Glaas.EasingCurves library contains the following easing functions:
Ease In / Out / InOut Sine
Ease In / Out / InOut Quad
Ease In / Out / InOut Cubic
Ease In / Out / InOut Quart
Ease In / Out / InOut Quint
Ease In / Out / InOut Expo
Ease In / Out / InOut Circ
Ease In / Out / InOut Back
Ease In / Out / InOut Elastic
Ease In / Out / InOut Bounce
The library includes a total of 31 easing functions. Each of these functions accepts a single float input (ranging from 0 to 1), and outputs a transformed float (also ranging from 0 to 1) according to the specific easing curve.
How to Use
To use any of these functions, simply call the function with the required easing curve, for example:
float easedValue = Glaas.EasingCurves.Easings.EaseInSine(x);
If you want to get a curve function by its name, use the GetCurveByName function:
var curve = Glaas.EasingCurves.Easings.GetCurveByName("EaseInSine");
You can also evaluate a specific value according to a specific curve using the Evaluate function:
float easedValue = Glaas.EasingCurves.Easings.Evaluate(x, Glaas.EasingCurves.Easings.Curve.EaseInSine);
Additional Information
If you encounter any issues, or have any suggestions for improvement, feel free to open an issue on the repository.
This is a basic easing functions library, and it may not cover all specific requirements for complex animations. However, the library provides a foundation on which more complex functionality can be built.
You can install this package in two ways.
The suggested way to install this package is through the Unity's Package Manager itself, via a GIT url. This way, you will be notified once new versions get released, and you will be able to download them directly from the Unity Editor.
-> The GIT url you need to add to the Package manager is the following (copy and paste it):
For more info on how to install custom packages from a GIT Url, please read here:
P.S. If you want, you can also use the GIT url from other branches or other forked repositories.
Example with the "dev" branch:
You can also install this package manually, by copying the source files directly into your project's assets folder. (You'd have to do this every time there is a new update.)
If you find this useful, please let me know!
If you want to contribute:
- Fork the project:
- Create your own feature branch
- Commit your changes to GitHub
- Push to the branch
- Create a new Pull Request
More information about contributing here: