Hi there,👋 You can call me Gleen, a Full-Stack Developer from Cameroon
- I’m looking to collaborate on the JavaScript, React, and Ruby on Rails projects.
- 😄 I am also remotely working part-time as a mentor at Microverse, a remote pair-programming community for developers developing web development and remote work skills.
- 💬 Ask me about web development.
- ☎️ I’m on the lookout for remote full-stack web development opportunities, including front-end development and back-end development.
- 📫 Let's connect on LinkedIn and Twitter.
- 😄 Pronouns: a female who codese and moree
- ⚡ Fun fact: When the problem is complexity, the cure might just be simplicity.
My skill set includes
- Front-end development: JavaScript | React | Redux | jQuery | HTML5 | CSS3
- Back-end: development: Ruby, Rails, PHP, Java
- Databases: MySQL | PostgreSQL
- Styling & UI/UX: SASS | CSS | Bootstrap | Tailwind CSS
- Testing: Jest | React Testing Library | RSpec
- Infrastructure: Git |CI/CD (ESlint & rubocop) | Netlify | ActiveRecord | Devise| Kanban | Chrome Dev Tools