Light encapsulation and composition of conditions.
Tested on unity 2020.3 and contains assembly definition for compiling to separate assembly file for performance reason.
This repository can be installed as unity module directly from git url. In this way new line should be added to Packages/manifest.json
"com.goodcat.conditions": ""
If you can't / don't want to use unity modules, code can be downloaded as sources archive from Releases
- To create a condition it is enough to implement the ICondition interface
interface ICondition
bool IsTrue();
- Simple conditions
var condition = Condition.Get(() => ScoreGame >= 1_000);
void Update()
// The call `Condition.Get(Func<bool> func)` is cached.
// There is only one allocation the first time Update() is called.
var condition = Condition.Get(() => hp >= 10);
- Complex conditions
public class ConditionTargetInRange : ICondition
private readonly IUnit _unit;
public ConditionTargetInRange(IUnit unit) => _unit = unit;
public bool IsTrue() => (_unit.TargetCurrent.position - _unit.Owner.position).sqrMagnitude < _unit.Range * _unit.Range;
interface IUnit
Transform Owner { get; }
Transform TargetCurrent { get; }
float Range { get; }
- Composition
// (!A || B) && C
var condition
= new ConditionTargetInRange(unit).Not() // condition A
.Or(Condition.Get(() => ScoreGame >= 1_000)) // condition B
.And(Condition.Get(() => hp >= hp / 2)); // condition C
// !A || (B && C)
= new ConditionTargetInRange(unit).Not() // condition A
Condition.Get(() => ScoreGame >= 1_000)// condition B
.And(Condition.Get(() => hp >= hp / 2))// condition C
- Debug
var condition =
.Or(conditionTimer.Debug("Timer", DebugCustomAction)));
void DebugCustomAction(string name, bool result)
if (result == false)
UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"{name} is true");
// Unity Log
DamageWasReceived - False
TargetInRange - False
Timer is true
/// <summary>
/// Action<string, bool>
/// string - Name
/// bool - Result
/// </summary>
condition.Debug(string name, Action<string, bool> debugAction = null)