List of legal terms together with their descriptions in different languages. See the full list of available terms.
Terms are stored in the POEditor project. Here're some rules applied to each entry in the dictionary:
- Each entry in the dictionary is represented by 2 strings - title and text.
- Each entry must have a slug which can contain only lowercase letters, numbers and hyphen (-).
- Entry title is represented by a term:
. It is a word/phrase that should be highlighted. - Entry text is represented by a term:
. It is the description text of the word/phrase.
For example, you want to add the Legal process
phrase to the dict. Here're the steps:
- Go to the terms management page of the Corpus Dictionary project in the poeditor
- Make up a slug for the work you want to add. For example, for
Legal process
it would belegal-process
. - Click
Add Term
button in the bottom right. - Add
terms (replacelegal-process
with your slug).legal-process.title
is the word that should be highlighted,Legal process
in this particular caselegal-process.text
is the text that describes the phrase
- Go back to the project home page
- Go to a specific language and add translations for the newly added term.
- Make a request to the admins to update the site.
- In the corpus txt file, use the
tag to add terms to an article. It must contain only term slug. It can be a coma-separated list of slugs. For example:
Example article text
+++terms: legal-process, something-else
Add govright.dictionary
module as a dependency to your main application module. Example:
<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="myApp">
<script src="js/angular.js"></script>
<!-- Include the dictionary script -->
<script src="dist/govright-dictionary.js"></script>
// ...and add 'govright.dictionary' as a dependency
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['govright.dictionary'])
// Then, inject GovrightDictionary into your controller/service
.controller('myController', function(GovrightDictionary) {
// It's just a big json, access terms title/text like this
- Download po files from the POEditor.
- Put them into
folder. - Run
. - Check
folder for updated assets.
# Rebuild angular service
gulp ng
# Rebuild markdown docs
gulp md
# Rebuild everything