Forge MC API is made to go with Bukkit and uses it for the backend this is for QOL and quicker plugin development .
To setup follow the instructions below.
Gradle Add this to your dependencies
compile 'com.github.Graviton1647:Forge-API:14.0'
and in your repositories add the following
maven { url "" }
To load a plugin all you need to do is extend your main class with ForgePlugin
in place of JavaPlugin
and then use the functions
in replace of
and then add your main class to the YMAL like you would any other plugins
To load a command all you need to do is make a class that extends CommandExecutor
and use the following annotation
@MinecraftCommand("name", "desc", "useage", [])
This will automatically register the command to the plugin
To load a command all you need to do is make a class that extends Listener
and use the following annotation
This will automatically register the event to the plugin
To load a command all you need to do is make a class that extends Listener
and use the following annotation
This will automatically register the event to the plugin
Attached to the player their is some custom methods
This will act the same as send message but send multiple message and also this takes in the colors
This will send multiple Titles to the player and has support for fading
This will teleport your player with optional parameters for what blocks are safe and how many checks you want it to do before giving up
The GUI System is based off this tutorial here is a example class written in KT
class KillConfirmMenu(playermenu : PlayerMenu) : Menu("Kill Yourself?",1,playermenu) {
override var filler: ItemStack = ItemStack(Material.BARRIER,1)
override var items: ArrayList<InventorySlot> = arrayListOf(
InventorySlot("${ChatColor.GREEN}Yes", ItemStack(Material.EMERALD,1), listOf("${ChatColor.AQUA}Would you like to add", "${ChatColor.AQUA}this player to your lock?"),3),
InventorySlot("${ChatColor.DARK_RED}No", ItemStack(Material.BARRIER,1), listOf(""),5)
override fun handleMenu(event: InventoryClickEvent) {
when(event.currentItem.type) {
Material.EMERALD -> {
event.whoClicked.closeInventory() = 0.0
Material.BARRIER -> {
event.whoClicked.sendMessage("Changed your mind? aww.")
override fun handleOpen(event: InventoryOpenEvent) {
override fun handleClose(event: InventoryCloseEvent) {
to load the GUI you would call