This is my second plugin!
/glow - If you are already glowing it will disable glow effect. If you're not, it will enable glow effect. /reloadglow - Reload the configuration
- glow.command
- glow.reload
%glow_isenabled% - returns if player is glowing or not. Which player? depends on where you use this placeholder. You can modify what this placeholder returns in the config
#Hello this is Glow plugin created by Greened. use /reloadglow to reload the plugin. The permission needed is glow.reload
#The message that is sent when console executes the glow command
only-players: "&cOnly players can to that!"
#Permission denied message. the glow permission is glow.command
permission-message: "&cYou don't have permission to execute this command!"
#The message sent when disabling glow
glow-enable: "&aYou enabled your &bGlowing &aeffect!"
#The message sent when enabling glow
glow-disable: "&cYou disabled your &bGlowing &ceffect!"
#The reload message use /reloadglow to reload the plugin.
reload-config: "&aSuccessfully reloaded!"
#Available placeholders:
#%glow_isenabled% - returns if player has glowing enabled or not. which player? depends on where you use this placeholder
#return value for placeholder %glow_isenabled% if glow effect is enabled
glowing-isenabled-yes: "&aEnabled"
#text replacing placeholder when glowing is disabled for that player
glowing-isenabled-no: "&cDisabled"
#text replacing placeholder when glowing is enabled for that player
glowing-isenabled-offline: "&4Player is offline"
glowing-wrong-placeholder: "&4You probably used wrong placeholder. Please see placeholders list on the plugin page."
What plugin does:
If you have any issues using this plugin please report it at our discord: