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Greg edited this page Dec 9, 2023 · 15 revisions


Clone the main void project to your local computer, open in IntelliJ as a gradle project.

Download list

Game Cache

Extract the active-cache files into the /data/cache/active/ directory.

Build your own

File Server

Download rs2-file-server.jar and into the same folder.

Extract cache to a folder (e.g. /data/cache/)

Make sure cachePath in points to the correct relative directory.

Launch rs2-file-server.jar

The file server has no UI so will look like it's not doing anything when you click it. Run with java -jar rs2-file-server.jar to see output.


Launch void-client.jar

Login with any username & password.

Build your own


If you try running the unit tests and recieve an error similar to Execution failed for task ''. No tests found

Go to File | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Build Tools | Gradle and change Run tests using: from Gradle (Default) to IntelliJ IDEA

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