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Alatyami edited this page Mar 14, 2016 · 1 revision

This section will explain how to use the User JSON api to define recipes or curve the behaviour of growthcraft beyond the basic configuration options provided.


From here on, basic understanding of how to write JSON files is needed, if you have no idea what JSON is, you probably shouldn't be reading this yet.

From this point on $MINECRAFT will refer to your minecraft installation directory (normally ~/.minecraft for *nix users, and %APPDATA%\.minecraft for Windows) $CONFIG will refer to $MINECRAFT/config, and $GRC_CONFIG will refer to $CONFIG/growthcraft

All paths will use UNIX, / instead of Windows \, because 2 out of 3 OSes are UNIX based, so (⌐■_■) Deal With It™


If Growthcraft does strange things, or you feel something is missing, try removing the json config files and allow Growthcraft to rebuild them, then re-apply your edits and test again.

Growthcraft WILL skip any invalid items, blocks, entries to the best of its ability. If you think something is broken, or missing, try setting the "debug" option in $GRC_CONFIG/*.conf and watching the console output, where * is the module you wish to debug.


Growthcraft will load all User config files during PRE-INIT, all registration will be done POST-INIT, this means your game will FAIL early, if your config files have syntax or structural errors. And no, we won't "catch" these errors, deal with them like decent users.

Common Schemas

Throughout this document, you will encounter certain common schemas types:

ItemStackSchema { 
  "comment": String,
  "mod_id": String,
  "name": String,
  "meta": Integer,
  "amount": Integer

OreItemSchema {
  "comment": String,
  "name": String,
  "amount": Integer

// Allows you to specify either or both an item and ore dictionary name
ItemKeySchema extends ItemStackSchema {
  "ore": String

FluidStackSchema {
  "comment": String,
  "name": String,
  "amount": Integer

// 2.4.1
ResidueSchema extends ItemKeySchema {
  "pomace": Float

// 2.4.0
ResidueSchema extends ItemStackSchema {
  "pomace": Float

You may notice the inclusion of a comment field, this is completely optional and does nothing.

Item Key Schemas

Previously mentioned, ItemKeySchemas are a combined version of the OreItemSchema and ItemStackSchema This allows you to specify an item OR an ore dictionary name to use in place of the item, you may specify both, but its recommended only to use one or the other.

To specify an Item, use the ItemStackSchema form:

  "mod_id": "Growthcraft|Cellar",
  "name": "grc.yeast",
  "meta": 0,
  "amount": 1

To specify an OreDictionary item, use this:

  "ore": "yeast",
  "amount": 1

NOTE Notice the use of "ore" instead of "name", name is specific to the ItemStackSchema, the only thing shared is the amount.

If you want, you can specify both, all items found will be registered for the recipe, IF supported (all recipes have been updated to support this so far)

  "mod_id": "Growthcraft|Cellar",
  "name": "grc.yeast",
  "meta": 0,
  "ore": "yeast",
  "amount": 1

Brewing Recipes

Brewing Recipes may be added via the $GRC_CONFIG/cellar/brewing.json

The JSON structure is Array<UserBrewingRecipe>


NOTE The input_fluid amount is ignored and only the output_fluid amount is used. As of the latest commits to development, this is no longer valid, input_fluid amount can vary from the output_fluid amount

UserBrewingRecipe {
  "comment": String,
  "item": ItemKeySchema,
  "input_fluid": FluidStackSchema,
  "output_fluid": FluidStackSchema,
  "residue": ResidueSchema,
  "time": Integer


    "item": {
      "mod_id": "Growthcraft|Rice",
      "name": "grc.rice",
      "amount": 1,
      "meta": 0
    "input_fluid": {
      "name": "water",
      "amount": 20
    "output_fluid": {
      "name": "grc.sake0",
      "amount": 20
    "residue": { 
      "mod_id": "minecraft",
      "name": "dye",
      "amount": 1,
      "meta": 15,
      "pomace": 0.3
    "time": 20

Fermenting Recipes

Fermenting Recipes may be added via the $GRC_CONFIG/cellar/fermenting.json

The JSON structure is Array<UserFermentingRecipe>


Note Fermenting recipes will IGNORE any fluid amount specified. unless you specified zero, in which case the behaviour is undefined, to be safe just set it as 1 and leave it be.

UserFermentingRecipe {
  "comment": String,
  "item": ItemKeySchema,
  "input_fluid": FluidStackSchema,
  "output_fluid": FluidStackSchema,
  "time": Integer


  "item": {
    "comment": "Brewers Yeast",
    "mod_id": "Growthcraft|Cellar",
    "name": "grc.yeast",
    "meta": 0,
    "amount": 1
  "input_fluid": {
    "name": "grc.sake0",
    "amount": 1
  "output_fluid": {
    "name": "grc.sake1",
    "amount": 1
  "time": 12000

Heat Sources

Heat sources may be added via the $GRC_CONFIG/cellar/heatsources.json

The JSON structure is Array<UserHeatSourceEntry>


UserHeatSourceEntry {
  "comment": String,
  "mod_id": String,
  "block_name": String,
  "states": Map<Integer, Float> { 
    "metadata": Float

metadata is replaced with the Block's metadata, OR "-1", OR "32767", where the latter 2 are wildcards, any value less than 0 will be treated as a wildcard. Due to the JSON format, all keys must be Strings, and so metadata is written as a String rather than its Integer format.

"-1": 1.0f

# NO
-1: 1.0f


As of this writing (2015/11/21) the default entries are:

    "mod_id": "minecraft",
    "block_name": "fire",
    "states": {
      "32767": 1.0
    "mod_id": "minecraft",
    "block_name": "flowing_lava",
    "states": {
      "32767": 0.7
    "mod_id": "minecraft",
    "block_name": "lava",
    "states": {
      "32767": 0.7

Pressing Recipes

Pressing Recipes may be added via the $GRC_CONFIG/cellar/pressing.json

The JSON structure is Array<UserPressingRecipe>


UserPressingRecipe {
  "comment": String,
  "item": ItemKeySchema,
  "fluid": FluidStackSchema,
  "time": Integer,
  "residue": ResidueSchema


    "item": {
       "mod_id": "minecraft",
       "name": "apple",
       "amount": 1,
       "meta": 0
    "fluid": { "name": "grc.appleCider0", "amount": 40 },
    "time": 40,
    "residue": { 
      "mod_id": "minecraft",
      "name": "dye",
      "amount": 1,
      "meta": 15,
      "pomace": 0.3

Yeast Generation

Yeast items can be registered to biomes via the $GRC_CONFIG/cellar/yeast.json

The JSON structure is Array<UserYeastEntry>


UserYeastEntry {
  "comment": String,
  "item": ItemKeySchema,
  "biomes": Array<String>


As of (2015/11/21), these are the default entries

    "item": {
      "mod_id": "Growthcraft|Cellar",
      "name": "grc.yeast",
      "amount": 1,
      "meta": 0
    "biomes": ["HOT", "SPARSE", "DENSE", "WET", "DRY", "SAVANNA", "CONIFEROUS", "JUNGLE", "SPOOKY",
    "item": {
      "mod_id": "Growthcraft|Cellar",
      "name": "grc.yeast",
      "amount": 1,
      "meta": 1
    "biomes": ["COLD"]
    "item": {
      "mod_id": "Growthcraft|Cellar",
      "name": "grc.yeast",
      "amount": 1,
      "meta": 3
    "biomes": ["MUSHROOM", "MAGICAL"]
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