plotTree (Plotting trees with data using R and Python) is developed by Kat Holt - @DrKatHolt -
This repository used example data of the plotTree
to re-create figures using ggtree
is far better than plotTree
, please refer to our manuscript published on Molecular Biology and Evolution and the supplemental files for more detail information.
# in case colnames start with numbers or contain dashes, which R does not like as column headers
snps<-read.csv("plotTree/tree_example_april2015/alleles.csv",header=F,row.names=1, stringsAsFactor=F)
snps_strainCols <- snps[1,] # column names = strain names
snps<-snps[-1,] # drop strain names
colnames(snps) <- snps_strainCols
gapChar <- "?"
snp <- t(snps)
lsnp <- apply(snp, 1, function(x) x != snp[1,] & x != gapChar & snp[1,] != gapChar)
lsnp <-
lsnp$pos <- as.numeric(rownames(lsnp))
lsnp <- tidyr::gather(lsnp, name, value, -pos)
## dataset 1
snp_data <- lsnp[lsnp$value, c("name", "pos")]
## name pos
## 394 10014_HCMC_NA 2090164
## 401 10014_HCMC_NA 1357659
## 409 10014_HCMC_NA 3145957
## 419 10014_HCMC_NA 4902236
## 484 10014_HCMC_NA 1339574
## 498 10014_HCMC_NA 354844
## dataset 2
bar_data <- read.csv("plotTree/tree_example_april2015/bar.csv")
## id dummy_bar_value
## 1 CS14_Brazil_2001 5
## 2 CS2_Brazil_1997 10
## 3 CS20_Brazil_2002 2
## 4 CS6_Brazil_2000 7
## 5 CS7_Brazil_2000 8
## 6 373_Cameroun_1973 10
info <- read.csv("info.csv")
tree <- read.tree("tree.nwk")
p <- ggtree(tree) %<+% info + geom_tippoint(aes(color=location))
facet_plot(p, panel="SNP", data=snp_data, geom=geom_point, mapping=aes(x=pos), pch='|', color="firebrick") %>%
facet_plot("BAR", bar_data, geom_segment, aes(x=0, xend=dummy_bar_value, y=y, yend=y)) + theme_tree2()