LBNL - STAR Experiment, Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), BNL
RHIC year 2014 Run, with Heavy Flavor Tracker
This code was original inherit form Hiroshi Masui And Dr. Alexander Schmah
All Rights Reserved
###Code Authors:
Guannan Xie (
Xiaolong Chen(
Hiroshi Masui (
Alexander Schmah(
- STAR Run14 AuAu200 GeV centrality Webpage, Guannan Xie
- PicoDst QA and Centrality definition, Guannan Xie
- Centrality update VPDMB5, Guannan Xie
- Centrality for VPDMB30 and NoVtx, Guannan Xie
- Centrality for VPDMB5 no protected, Guannan Xie
- Centrality for SL16d, Xiaolong Chen
- Centrality_for run16, Xiaolong Chen
###How to use this code for SL16d production:
# Load StRefMultCorr library
# NOTE: Add this line in your 'macro', not in the source code
# For grefmult
StRefMultCorr* grefmultCorrUtil = CentralityMaker::instance()->getgRefMultCorr_P16id() ;
grefmultCorrUtil->setVzForWeight(6, -6.0, 6.0);
# NOTE: Add this line inside the source code
grefmultCorrUtil->initEvent(grefmult, vz, zdcCoincidenceRate) ;
# see StRefMultCorr.h for the definition of centrality bins
# Centrality from grefmult
const Int_t cent16_grefmult = grefmultCorrUtil->getCentralityBin16() ;
const Int_t cent9_grefmult = grefmultCorrUtil->getCentralityBin9() ;
# Re-weighting corrections for peripheral bins
const Double_t reweight_grefmult = grefmultCorrUtil->getWeight() ;
# Corrected refmult (with z-vertex dependent correction and luminositiy correction)
# NOTE: type should be double or float, not integer
const Double_t grefmultCor = grefmultCorrUtil->getRefMultCorr() ;