LBNL - STAR Experiment, Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), BNL
RHIC year 2014 Run, with Heavy Flavor Tracker
This code was inherit form HaoQiu's Analysis code
###Code Authors:
Guannan Xie (
Hao Qiu (
Mustafa Mustafa (
###How to run this code:
# To run this code, make sure you already have centrality information,
StRefMultCorr* grefmultCorrUtil = CentralityMaker::instance()->getgRefMultCorr();
StEventPlane* eventPlaneMaker = new StEventPlane("eventPlaneMaker",picoDstMaker,grefmultCorrUtil);
###How to get information form this maker:
#include "StRoot/StEventPlane/StEventPlane.h"
StEventPlane* eventPlaneMaker;