JSONApi is a simple, lightweight way to provide a JSON interface to a Minecraft server with hMod installed.
This plugin was created to be an alternative to CraftAPI. However, JSONApi differs from CraftAPI in that everything in this plugin is JSON instead of XML-RPC. This one doesn't seem to run out of memory either :). But a huge thanks to sk89q for the binding of all the actions to java methods. All of his work is in the XMLRPC* files.
Also requests are formed from URLs so you only ever have to do GET requests.
The default port is 20059.
Always remember to encode the values of the GET variables to make them URL safe!
Instead of plaintext username and password you will pass a key that is formed like this (example is PHP):
hash('sha256', $username.$methodOrStreamingSource.$password.$salt);
$username is the username set in JSONApiAuthentication.txt
$methodOrStreamingSource is the value of "method=" in a standard api and "source=" in the streaming streaming api.
$password is the password set in JSONApiAuthentication.txt
$salt is the salt option set in JSONApi.properties
is the port that the JSON and JSON streaming server listen on (default: 20059)
wether or not to display loggin information in the console (default: true)
is the file (relative to the folder containing minecraft_server.jar) (default: sample.log)
the salt to add to the hashes to make them more secure (default: "")
comma separated values of ips that are allowed to access the server (IPv4, no ranges/wildcards) (default: "false") (example: ",")
is the port that the WebSocket server listens on (default: 20060)
For JSONP calls, simply add an GET variable "callback" to be the function that wraps around the response. This works well for jQuery/Javascript and cross-site scripting.
Will return
For standard (non-streaming) requests the URL format looks like this:
You can see the list of available methods below.
Here is a sample request this time, with args:
http://localhost:20059/api/call?method=player.sendMessage&args=%5B%22alecgorge%22,%22hello there%22%5D&key=key
- %5B is a url encoded [
- %5D is a url encoded ]
- %22 is a url encoded "
Standard API calls will return one of the following.
These responses are based off of this request:
Invalid username/password:
403 Forbidden
{"result":"error","error":"Invalid username\/password."}
Method not found or there is no args GET variable present:
404 Not Found
{"result":"error","error":"You need to pass a valid method and an array arguments."}
Request successful:
200 OK
To request a stream you have the following options:
- "chat" Every time something is said in chat you get a new line.
- "console" A mirror of the console output
- "commands" Similar to chat, but for commands
- "connections" A new line for each connection/disconnection
- "all" A new line for everything mentioned above
The response never fully loads, but as more and more events "stream" in another line is added (lines separated by \r\n).
The following responses are based off of this request:
{"source":"console","data":{"line":"THE REPLY IS YES"}}
{"source":"console","data":{"line":"2010-11-24 23:02:18 [INFO] alecgorge [\/] logged in with entity id 7"}}
{"source":"console","data":{"line":"Player count: 1"}}
{"source":"console","data":{"line":"2010-11-24 23:02:34 [INFO] CONSOLE: Stopping the server.."}}
{"source":"console","data":{"line":"2010-11-24 23:02:34 [INFO] Stopping server"}}
{"source":"console","data":{"line":"2010-11-24 23:02:34 [INFO] Saving chunks"}}
The easiest way to test your streaming API calls on Linux and Mac is using cURL from the command line. Just run ''curl url'' and you will see the output as it is given. On Windows, I use cURL through cygwin. However if you have msysgit, you can launch the git bash and use curl there.
For testing standard API calls, just use your favorite browser.
These were all shamelessly ripped from CraftAPI (thanks sk89q!). I haven't tested all of them yet so I am not sure how structs and more complex objects are handled.
int minecraft.getBlockID(int, int, int)
base64 minecraft.getCuboidIDs(int, int, int, int, int, int)
int minecraft.getHighestBlockY(int, int)
int minecraft.getTime()
boolean minecraft.setBlockID(int, int, int, int)
boolean minecraft.setCuboidIDs(int, int, int, int, int, int, base64)
boolean minecraft.setTime(int)
boolean player.broadcastMessage(string)
array player.getAccessibleKits(string)
array player.getAccessibleWarps(string)
struct player.getInventory(string)
struct player.getPlayerInfo(string)
array player.getPlayerNames()
array player.getPlayers()
boolean player.giveItem(string, int, int)
boolean player.giveItemDrop(string, int, int)
boolean player.kick(string, string)
boolean player.removeInventoryItem(string, int, int)
boolean player.removeInventorySlot(string, int)
boolean player.sendMessage(string, string)
boolean player.teleportTo(string, double, double, double, double, double)
boolean player.teleportTo(string, double, double, double)
boolean player.toggleMute(string)
boolean server.addGroup(string, string, array, array, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean)
boolean server.addKit(string, string, struct, int)
boolean server.addToReserveList(string)
boolean server.addToWhitelist(string)
boolean server.disablePlugin(string)
boolean server.enablePlugin(string)
array server.getAllowedItems()
struct server.getBan(string, string)
array server.getDisallowedItems()
struct server.getKit(string)
string server.getMotd()
int server.getPlayerCount()
int server.getPlayerLimit()
struct server.getPlugin(string)
array server.getPlugins()
struct server.getSpawnLocation()
int server.getSpawnProtectionSize()
string server.getWhitelistMessage()
boolean server.hasKits()
boolean server.hasReserveList()
boolean server.hasTimerExpired(string)
boolean server.hasWarps()
boolean server.hasWhitelist()
boolean server.isBanned(string, string)
boolean server.isWhitelistEnabled()
boolean server.modifyBan(string, string, string, int)
boolean server.modifyKit(string, string, string, struct, int)
boolean server.reloadBanList()
boolean server.reloadGroups()
boolean server.reloadHomes()
boolean server.reloadKits()
boolean server.reloadPlugin(string)
boolean server.reloadReserveList()
boolean server.reloadWarps()
boolean server.reloadWhitelist()
boolean server.removeFromReserveList(string)
boolean server.removeFromWhitelist(string)
boolean server.runConsoleCommand(string, string)
boolean server.runConsoleCommand(string)
boolean server.setAllowedItems(array)
boolean server.setDisallowedItems(array)
boolean server.setMotd(string)
boolean server.setPlayerLimit(int)
boolean server.setSpawnProtectionSize(int)
boolean server.setWhitelistEnabled(boolean)
boolean server.setWhitelistMessage(string)
string server.getFileContents(string)
boolean server.setFileContents(string, string)