Board game developed in Java with the Swing widget library. The game has a graphical part and a console part. Zen l’Initie is a study project for the university (spring 2020)
In this part, I will list the features of the game.
- The game is playable with the shell
- The game is playable with a graphical interface made with Swing
- Game can be saved and loaded
- There are two game modes (1vsIA, 1vs1)
- The game can be played on several rounds
The rules of the game are available HERE (only in French)
- The “build” folder contains the . class files of the game as well as the “res” folder containing the game’s resources.
- The “src” folder contains the source code of the game.
- The “tests” folder contains the test code for the game.
- The “doc” folder contains the javadoc of the game.
- The build.xml file contains the commands for compiling the game and generating the javadoc and jar of the game.
- The manuel_utilisateur pdf contains everything you need to know to play the game.
JAR Version
ZIP Version
TAR Version
The jar file named "ZenInitie_1.0.0" can be launched with the following command: "java -jar ZenInitie_1.0.0.jar"