These utilities use standard library python modules, and the requests
On debian/ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install python-requests
[sudo] pip install requests
git clone
Trellomerge allows you to merge a master to a slave board.
These steps will be applied in order to synchronize Trello boards:
- Lists from the master board will be created in the slave board
- Cards from the master board will be created in the slave board
- Cards from the slave board will be untouched
- Lists from the slave board will be untouched
- Cards coming from the master board are prefixed in the slave board.
- Slave lists are reordered by labels (red first, green last)
- You can specify to sort some slave board lists by due date
Use crontab
to keep your Trello boards synchronized.
vim /path/to/mergetrelloboards/conf.json
Change the configuration. You will need:
- a Trello API developer key here.
- a Trello API developer token here.
- your master and slave board id (see the URL in your webbrowser when you're connected to Trello).
python /path/to/mergetrelloboards/ /path/to/trello2txt/
Fetch Trello cards from a board and output their text to stdout
. Notable use case: use it with conky !
While improving my workflow, I wanted to have my Trello tasks quickly accessible.
Then I looked at my conky dashboard ;)
All I needed was a trello2txt
tool. Here it is !
vim /path/to/mergetrelloboards/conf.json
Change the configuration; you will need:
- a Trello API developer key here,
- a Trello API developer token here,
- your board id (see the URL in your webbrowser when you're connected to Trello),
- the name of the lists you want to dump to text.
Adjust the filters to your needs (by default only cards with orange and red labels will be displayed).
Just run:
python /path/to/mergetrelloboards/ /path/to/trello2txt/conf.json -s
or to create a local file:
python /path/to/mergetrelloboards/ /path/to/trello2txt/conf.json -s -d /tmp/trello.txt
Enjoy !
First make sure you completed the installation section !
There is a conky template to display your Trello list on your desktop.
Edit it first: you'll have to change the paths to the
and to the stored todolist
I'm currently not happy with its line by line implementation. I'll be glad if you send me an improvement !
conky -d -c /path/to/mergetrelloboards/trelloconkyrc
Wait up to 10 minutes to ensure the list is updated.
Tada !
A screenshot of my desktop with trello2txt/conky