Cart service for Guya microservices is a Python based Microservice API
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
- python 3.7
To make sure about the dependency isolation is recommended to use the venv to create a virtual environment.
After downloading or cloned this repository, open the project directory and install the dependencies with the below pip command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
For development purposes, you can install the package in editable mode with the dev requirements.
pip install -e . -r requirements-dev.txt
For testing purpose, you can install the package in tesing mode with the test requirements.
pip install -e . -r requirements-test.txt
For generating documentation, you can install sphinx and other requiremtns using doc requiremtns.
pip install -e . -r requirements-doc.txt
In development, you can use the built-in development server with the flask run
command. Remember to set the environment and the database URI:
export FLASK_ENV=development (optional)
export FLASK_APP=cart (optional)
flask run
For a smoother work-flow on development, you can use a .env file to load the database URI. The local.env file, in the app folder, is an example of use to .env file.
In the production environment, you just need to set the DATABASE_URL environment variable. Then you can use the command:
waitress-serve --call 'cart:create_app'
Waitress is the production WSGI server used for this project.
To run the test, you need to set the DATABASE_URL environment variable too. Like in development, you can use a test/.env to set the DATABASE_URL variable.
Run the test with the following command:
pre-commit install
git add .
cz commit
git commit -v -a
You can check the syntax using flake8 (you must have flake8 package installed first) :
flake8 c1
You can also use tox (you must have tox package installed first) :
tox -e lint
To execute the test coverage, you must install the package with the dev requirements (see installation section).
Then, you can run the coverage with the following command :
coverage run --source c1 -m py.test
You can also use tox (you must have tox package installed first) :
tox -e test
Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
Whether reporting bugs, discussing improvements and new ideas or writing extensions: Contributions are welcome! Here's how to get started:
- Fork the repository on Github, create a new branch off the master branch and start making your changes (known as GitHub Flow)
- Write a test which shows that the bug was fixed or that the feature works as expected
- Send a pull request and bug the maintainer until it gets merged and published
Please see AUTHORS