Apr 18, 2018 00:16 MST
Command-line standalone IronPython™ 2.7.7 dll and exe file compiler. Uses, user defined, assembly information, and input command args parsed by pseudo-ORDER.
Not Endorsed by C#.Net, IronPython, or Python
Develop without Visual Studio™ - In an IronPython™ project I ran into trouble distributing my project as the compiler code in "pyc.py" was buggy, so I set out to fix it. 90% of the code is for the loose parameter input format, error, and info output - that hopefully helps you complete a compile.
Use a command-line compile - shell .bat/.sh easily setup.
Intensionally verbose output - wanted users (me) to have extra-ordinary feedback output and transparent coding, so that "hidden" 3rd party apps were minimized. This is my first time public release.
Use project as a general working reference for me/users/coders to see full working complex code such as logging and unit testing.
While I'm not completely satisfied with the unit testing code, a lot of other unit testing falls very short of completely testing a code base.
- ipybuilder fixes several longtime running bugs in the IronPython pyc.py complier and then goes on to try and really help users build a project lib or exe.
- Please keep in mind this is alpha release for help/review
- Intensional: must keep out all non-IronPython available imports
- Intensionally kept imports to a minimum at the expense of re-writing the wheel. Wanted to be as transparent/independent as possible.
ipybuild works for the author using Win7 64 bit python 32/64 with IronPython - thats the only test..so far.
- Developed in 32 bit Python 2.7.14
- can't (do'nt know how) to use set.py for IronPython code
- can't use pylint/enchant in 64 bit, so build with 32 bit
- can't sphinx in 64 bit, so built with 32 bit
check - should run in both ipy and python and 32/64bit thats the only test so far....
get a copy of project running on your local machine
- Microsoft™ .Net 4.0 - 4.6 framework
- IronPython™
- Python™ 2.7.14 32 bit for documentation using pylint/enchant/sphinx
step by step
automated tests run-through what and why
Thanks for even considering a contribution or comment.
Keep it friendly and open to dialog critiques and fixes and to help beginners and advanced users, while encouraging all levels of input.
Please work through what you can before asking for help - It is hard to get relative paths and dependencies resolved when compiling an exe. Start small, work up to big.
If you are a first time GitHub contributor or beginner than I really encourage you to submit a fix or comment, we both will learn. Of course Advanced help appreciated.
Want a solid easy way to Compile. The easier it is to use a program, the more code work is required by developers. It really slows production down when you have to 'on-line' search how to use a program module/library and/or fix bugs./patches. Ultimately, hope ipybuilder can be a friendly bug-free command-line Compiler.
This is a free-time project so if my free-time goes away so does me ability to respond. Please be responsible with your comments and requests (see Code of Conduct). I hope you find the answer/solution/explanation in the full-documentation.
- moderately verbose naming - no snake_case
- attempted goals: - Maximize readability and code comprehension - Minimize typing
Some genius at Microsoft determined that PascalCase is the best.
Some genius at Python determined that snake_case is the best.
Trying to meet the following formats and let's try and avoid any discussion on appropriate style:
- modules: lowercase
- classes: PascalCase
- attributes:
- internal: _camelCase
- external: camelCase
- attributes:
- methods:
- checks, get, set, is etc.: camelCase
- internal: camelCase
- external module to module imports or user available: PascalCase
- variables:
local scope simple: short looping, internal, easily understood ("i","k", "dfpath", "dir")
intermodule or external inputs: camelCase verbose (long name)
local scope complex: - under ~ five-seven chars: lowercase - over ~ five-seven chars: camelCase
- constants/globals: uppercase
- pseudo constants: uppercase
- logging setup, constant dict keys, and directories that are setup at runtime and derivatives.
- exception user config arg input variables**: **dict uses camelCase keys.
note: | The whole point of this program is for working with python and C#.Net™. When sub-classing a .net class it is much clearer to mirror a .Net class with a python PascalClass name style to visually read code back and forth. I really didn't focus on a consistent and standardized python-.Net naming style at the to start, as this package is only written in python. Now that I have worked out, what seems to be a reasonable style, there are naming fixes that still need to be made this code. The naming style is relevant for all(my) other python-.net work. Consider working in .net from the IronPython side and sub-classing (just an example) .net class System.IO.Directory. It is obvious what to expect(.net methods etc) with the PESwim style when reviewing, testing, and developing - not so much when you see the snake_case form.
- improve documentation - help - code comments - doc strings
- on error bad arg parse may pollutes with multiple directory/file creates
- Add del current writes/rmdirs on exit errors.
- add file_version info to dll files
- Requires sub-classing IronPython CompileModules.
- clean out all globals except log
- separate unit tests from production code completely
- Difficult, as wanted to test real-time run with subprocess, but have to run unit test from /Tests not /builder sub directory. This must require lots of set-up mocks into a /builder like subdirectory so that testing for 'Tests' in current working directory can be avoided in production code.
- adapt/try argparse
- Trying out a structure free input style cost many hours and is about half the code-base. Also allowed non r"text" and both Unicode and str. Originally planned on complete structured free input so user doesn't have remember or learn an exact format. Found limits on how far this works and that eventually a main name has to be provided so no real use in accepting command args that omit a main name.
- add a switch func to TerminalColorlog between windows and bash
- Right now have to manually adjust the code.
- clean naming to match PascalCase throughout
- The whole point of this program is for working with python and C#.net. When sub-classing a .net class it is much clearer to mirror a .Net class with a python PascalClase name style to visually read code back and forth. I really didn't focus on naming to start as this package is only written in python, but is relevant for all my other work. Sorry.
- write a nice tutorial/how-to/steps
- adapt where possible parsing code that already exists
- i.e. remove code that re-wrote the wheel.
- refactor if else into methods
- Too many if else and multiple task methods - just takes a bit of time.
- wow these wonderful unit tests - what to do?
- well none documented so far: Apr 15, 2018 11:51 MST
- see section: work todo continues
- v0.0.A10 - current
- well, none so far: Apr 15, 2018 11:51 MST
- Version v0.0.A10
- Alpha release to start
- Tested: - Window 7 64 platform - 32 bit python
- issues: see: issues v0.0.A10
Owner: Howard Dunn <peswin@mindspring.com>
- Please help by contributing
ipybuilder is licensed under the Apache v2.0 License - see LICENSE file