Python support library for the Humanitarian Exchange Language (HXL) data standard. The library requires Python 3 (versions prior to 4.6 also supported Python 2.7).
API docs: (and in the docs/
HXL standard:
From the command line (or inside a Python3 virtual environment):
$ pip3 install libhxl
In your code:
import hxl
url = ""
data ="#sector=WASH").sort("#country")
for line in data.gen_csv():
The function reads HXL from a file object, filename, URL,
or list of arrays and makes it available for processing, much like
in JQuery. The following will read HXLated data from standard input:
import sys
import hxl
dataset =
Most commonly, you will open a dataset via a URL:
dataset =""
To open a local file rather than a URL, use the allow_local property of the InputOptions class:
dataset ="dataset.xlsx", hxl.InputOptions(allow_local=True))
libhxl uses the Python requests library for opening URLs. If you want to enable caching (for example, to avoid beating up on your source with repeated requests), your code can use the requests_cache plugin, like this:
import requests_cache
requests_cache.install_cache('demo_cache', expire_after=3600)
The default caching backend is a sqlite database at the location specied.
You can filters to transform the output, and chain them as needed. Transformation is lazy, and uses the minimum memory possible. For example, this command selects only data rows where the country is "Somalia", sorted by the organisation:
transformed ="#country=Somalia").sort("#org")
For more on filters see the API documentation for the hxl.model.Dataset class and the hxl.filters module.
Generators allow the re-serialising of HXL data, returning something that works like an iterator. Example:
for line in
The following generators are available (you can use the parameters to turn the text headers and HXL tags on or off):
Generator method | Description |
gen_raw() | Generate arrays of strings, one row at a time. |
gen_csv() | Generate encoded CSV rows, one row at a time. |
gen_json() | Generate JSON output, either as rows or as JSON objects with the HXL hashtags as property names. |
To validate a HXL dataset against a schema (also in HXL), use the validate() method at the end of the filter chain:
is_valid ='my-schema.csv')
If you don't specify a schema, the library will use a simple, built-in schema:
is_valid =
If you include a callback, you can collect details about the errors and warnings:
def my_callback(error_info):
## error_info is a HXLValidationException
is_valid ='my-schema.csv', callback=my_callback)
For more information on validation, see the API documentation for the hxl.validation module and the format documentation for HXL schemas.
The filters are also available as command-line scripts, installed with the library. For example,
$ hxlcount -t country dataset.csv
Will perform the same action as
import hxl"dataset.csv", hxl.InputOptions(allow_local=True)).count("country").gen_csv()
See the API documentation for the
module for more information about the command-line scripts
available. All scripts have an -h
option that gives usage
This repository includes a standard Python
script for
installing the library and scripts (applications) on your system. In a
Unix-like operating system, you can install using the following
python install
If you don't need to install from source, try simply
pip install libhxl
Once you've installed, you will be able to include the HXL libraries from any Python application, and will be able to call scripts like hxlvalidate from the command line.
There is also a generic Makefile that automates many tasks, including setting up a Python virtual environment for testing. The Python3 venv module is required for most of the targets.
make build-venv
Set up a local Python virtual environment for testing, if it doesn't already exist. Will recreate the virtual environment if has changed.
make test
Set up a virtual environment (if missing) and run all the unit tests
make test-install
Test a clean installation to verify there are no missing dependencies, etc.
libhxl-python is released into the Public Domain, and comes with NO WARRANTY. See for details.