An API server that lets you interact with, using Selenium. It's just a test project and should not be used for any productive purposes.
It can simulate an OpenAI Proxy and be used with SillyTavern.
- Install it with 'docker compose up'
- Wait until it's running and listening (by default to
For Windows you can alternatively also use the release version, just extract it and open the executable file.
- Select Chat Completion API
- Open the settings and enter 'http://IP:Port/v2/driver/sage' in 'Alternative server URL'. Replace IP and port with the real value
- Enter your 'p_b_cookie' and 'bot_name' in 'Proxy Password', using this format: p_b_cookie|bot_name
- Set the 'Context Size (tokens)' to '2048' unless you use Claude-100K, ChatGPT-16K or GPT-4-32K
- Empty all prompt fields expect for main prompt, where you need to add [Character=={{char}}] [User=={{user}}]
- If you want to use the Claude Jailbreak, you also need to add this: [ClaudeJB]
- Activate streaming
- Close the settings and click connect
- For GPT-3.5/4 based bots, you can get better results by modifying 'instruction' in config.json. The file will be created after the first launch, it can be changed to something like this:
"instruction": "Read the instructions in here"
- If you have a problem with the message being sent as a file, you can disable this by modifying 'send-as-text-limit' in config.json, for example to
"send-as-text-limit": 99999
, this solves the issue with the bot keep asking for a prompt, which can sometimes happen with OpenAI based bots
It can also run on Termux.
GET /latest-message
Returns the bot's latest message, message generation status, and suggestions if they exist
POST /send-message
Sends a message. Requires 'message', can optionally clear the context with 'clear_context' = true
POST /clear-context
Clears the bot's context
POST /start-driver
Starts the driver. Requires 'p_b_cookie' and 'bot_name'
POST /kill-driver
Kills the driver
POST /abort-message
Aborts the current message generation
GET /is-generating
Returns the current message generation status