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Tracy_matdb is a software package for the construction of databases of materials properties from first principles calculations. The package also interfaces with machine learning algorithms handling the interaction between the database and the algorithms smoothly.


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Tracy MatDB (Materials Database)

Code for generating configuration databases to train interatomic potentials.

The interatomic potentials are created using MLIP. To train the potential Density Functional Theory (DFT) codes such as Quantum Espresso or VASP can be used.

Table of Contents

We describe the steps to run the project either on a local machine or a remote machine on AWS.

Quickstart Summary

This README details the steps needed to build and deploy docker images for tracy_matdb. Alternatively the code can also be installed and used on your local machine:

git clone
cd tracy_matdb
pip install -e .

The docker project follows some high-level steps:

Alternatively you can also install the project on your local machine:

git clone
cd tracy_matdb
pip install -e .

Build Containers Locally

Clone all the related projects:

Use ssh or https at your convivence. It is recommended that they be in a folder that makes it easy for you to find. It is required that the cloned projects be siblings of one another.

  • If you plan to use ssh keys, there is a good guide from github.

The resulting folder structure should look as such:

├── tracy_docker
└── tracy_matdb

Follow the instructions in the Tracy Docker readme to build all relevant prerequisite docker images.

To verify, run docker images. You should see a similar output to below:

mlip4tracy          latest   ...          ...          1.98GB
pslibrary4tracy     latest   ...          ...          6.56GB
dft_qe4tracy        latest   ...          ...          2.43GB
ubuntu4tracy        16.04    ...          ...          1.54GB
ubuntu              16.04    ...          ...          119MB

You may see more images, but the above should be present.

We can now build the MatDB image. Using a shell of your choice go into the tracy_matdb directory and run the script to build the MatDB image. Note that this image builds on top of mlip4tracy.

Now you can either run them locally, or on AWS.

Running the Project

Some optional tips, you may want to use a terminal multiplexer like tmux. We have found it useful, especially if the host machine is remote.

Run the docker image with:

docker run -it --rm matdb /bin/bash

At this point you need to provide a yml file or use the example one. The format of the yml file is specified in the API Documentation (which must be first generated before viewing).

Then within the instance:

  1. Move the /root/codes/ directory
  2. Run ./ <yml-file-location>
    • If you do not specify a yml file location then MatDB will run based off the example yml file.
    • Note that the scripts run cell sizes of 3 or 4 runs until the mtp file has converged suitably, then increases the cell size.
    • The specification is found in the API documentation.
      • The API documentation must be generated and instructions can be found here.

Remote Run Using AWS

Prepare AWS Instance

  1. Login to your AWS management console.
  2. Tap EC2 to get into "resources" screen, then select "running instances".
    • AWS Console
  3. Now tap "launch instance", then follow the steps to create new AWS EC2 instance.
    1. Choose AMI: You can choose any Linux image that you prefer, the screenshot provided demonstrates one such choice. We recommend the use of Amazon Linux AMI using 64 bit (x86).
      • AWS Console - Create EC2 Instance
    2. Choose an Instance Type:
      • A minimum requirement of 8 gb of memory.
      • Choose the other options as you see fit.
    3. Configure Instance
      • Do not change unless you have specific needs.
    4. Add Storage:
      • A minimum of 50 GB of hard drive space.
        • This value depends on the number of computations you wish to run.
    5. Add Tags:
      • Do not change unless you have specific needs.
    6. Configure Security Group:
      • Do not change unless you have specific needs.
    7. Review:
      • Double check that all the values are as you expect.
    8. Click Launch, and you should be taken to define a key pair.
      • You have the option to:
        • Create a new key pair
          • Doing so creates a new one, then allows you to download the private key. Once you move away from that page, the private key can no longer be accessed. If you lose it, you must create a new one.
        • Choose a key pair name
          • You can use a pre-existing key if you have previously used any. Note that if you do not have the associated private key, you will not be able to remotely access the machine.
      • AWS Console - Create Key Pair and Download pem file
  4. Now launch the instance. Then you will see your newly created instance. Now you are able to use your pem file to connect to your EC2 instance.
    • AWS Console - Connect to EC2

Note: The jar files is about 15G, it also occupied about 15G as docker images, so you need at least 30G to generate these docker images and save to local disk. On EC2 you also need at least 30G space to host the jar files and docker images at first, although you can delete the jar files later. Also, make sure the compute folder and its subfolder are correctly created before running

Prepare and Upload Images

Note for this step, your local machine requires sufficient hard drive space (minumum 50GB).

cd tracy_matdb/scripts/deploy
➜ ./ # this extracts the required images as jar files

Then you can upload the .jar files to the remote machine.

Within the tracy_matdb/scripts/deploy folder run the following command:

➜ IDENTITY_FILE="<somepath>/tracy-science-test-001.pem" \
    DESTINATION_URL="ec2-user@<ec2-id>.<region>" \
  • Note that in line definitions of environment variables don't leak out into outer name space. Which is great! Fill in the above information to facilitate a connection to your remote AWS instance. If your DESTINATION_URL format differs, just use the one you are give from the AWS console.

Setup Remote Machine

First you need to make sure that docker is installed.

If it isn't, the command depends on the package manager on your system. The following are examples with yum and apt.

➜ sudo yum -y install docker
➜ sudo apt-get install docker

Next you need to make sure that the docker-service is running.

➜ sudo service docker start

Then load the docker images into docker service. The files and script should be in the $HOME directory if following previous steps.

cd $HOME
➜ ./

After the images are loaded, you can run the project following the steps in the run section.


Build Documentation

Dependencies for Generation

Install the dependencies:

  • python3 -m pip install git+
  • python3 -m pip install sphinxcontrib-napoleon

API Documentation Generation

Move to the tracy_matdb/docs directory. Then run make to see what format you want to make the documentation as. - To create an html version run make html.

The following is an example:

cd tracy_matdb/docs
➜ make html

Extract from Container

You want to extract the relevant files in the _build directory that was recently generated.

You can use docker cp to extract them from inside a docker image.

➜ docker cp <container-id>:/root/codes/matdb/docs/_build <host-destination>
  • The <container-id> can be found using docker ps.
  • <host-destination> is a file location on your local machine in which you want to place the files.

The extracted files can then be viewed. If you created an html version, you can open <host-destination>/_build/html/index.html in your web browser of choice.

Unit Tests

From within an instance of the docker image MAtDB run the following:

➜ python3 -m pytest /root/codes/matdb/tests

To run the tests with a code coverage tool:

  • Install pytest-cov with python3 -m pip install pytest-cov. Then to run the unit tests with the coverage tool:
➜ python3 -m pytest --cov=/root/codes/matdb /root/codes/matdb/tests

Intermediate Files

  • to-relax.cfg
    • Contains the structures needed to be relaxed. Ideally the IAP should be able to relax all this contained structures. Otherwise, it is added to new_traning.cfg which should eventually be added to the training set (train.cfg).
    • Generated at the first iteration for each atom cell iteration.
  • new_training.cfg (new_training.cfg_iter_?)
    • Each iteration will generate some new structures which couldn’t be relaxed by the current IAP. These new structures will be added to the training set (train.cfg) at the beginning of the next iteration. A copy of this file is saved for each iteration for debugging purposes.
      • For example: new_training.cfg_iter_6 is for the 6th iteration. If this file is empty, it means it converged at the iteration this file is corresponding to.
  • train.cfg (train.cfg_iter_?)
    • Configurations of the training set.
    • A copy of this file is saved for each iteration for debugging purposes.
  • pot.mtp (pot.mtp_iter_?)
    • Data for the representation of the moment tensor potential.
    • A copy of this file is saved for each iteration for debugging purposes.
  • training.txt (training.txt_iter_?)
    • The log file for the mtp train process.
  • status.txt
    • Contains status code for each step in an iteration.
    • Some of the status:
      "relax_setup {0} {1}".format(self.iter_count, self.cell_iter)
      "relax {0} {1}".format(self.iter_count, self.cell_iter)
      "select {0} {1}".format(self.iter_count, self.cell_iter)
      "add {0} {1}".format(self.iter_count, self.cell_iter)
      "done {0} {1} {2}".format(self.iter_count, self.cell_iter, len(new_configs))
      • Refer to command() method in module for a complete status and its meaning.
    • Contains mtp command to be executed.
    • Each iteration has its own mtp commands needed to be carried out.
  • iter_?.pkl files in Active database.
    • The Active database resides at /root/codes/compute/MTP/{$FIT_NAME}/Active/active.{$FIT_NAME} for our example, CoWV structures (which would be /root/codes/compute/MTP/CoWV/Active/active.CoWV).
    • Each iteration will have its pkl file generated at the Active database root directory. Each pkl file contains the new structures for the specific iteration. Notice that the number of structures in new_training.cfg_iter_? and iter_?.pkl should be the same.
      • For example: new_training.cfg_iter_9 and iter_9.pkl should have the same number of structures. But train.cfg_iter_10 minus train.cfg_iter_9 might have less structures than in the two files. That is because the QE calculations could fail on some of the new structures.
      • pkl file is a python pickle file.
  • matdb/templates/
    • This template file is used to generate the in the Active database root directory defined above. This template file works only for QE calculation.

Monitoring Tips

To watch the progress, you can watch the contents and generation of the temporary files in the directory /root/codes/compute/MTP/${FIT_NAME}/${FIT_NAME}/mtp/.

  • ${FIT_NAME} is will be a concatenation of the elements that are used.
    • ${FIT_NAME} is CoWV when using the example yml file for Cobalt, Tungsten, and Vanadium.

The following snippet can be used in the directory of temporary files to provide useful progress information.

import os
import datetime
for ii in range(1,max_value+1):
    filename = "train.cfg_iter_{}".format(ii)
    temp = open(filename).read()
    count[ii] = temp.count("BEGIN_CFG")
    date[ii] = os.path.getmtime(filename)
start_time = min(date.values())
for ii in range(1,max_value+1):
    print("{:02d} {:5d} {} {} {} {}".format(
        "{:5d}".format(count[ii]-count[ii-1]) if ii > 1 else 5*" ",
        "{:6.2f}".format((date[ii+1]-date[ii])/seconds_per_hour) if ii < max_value else 6*" ",
        "{:6.2f}".format((date[ii+1]-start_time)/seconds_per_hour) if ii < max_value else 6*" ",

Example output of the above snippet:

01    20         9.52   9.52 05-17-05:22
02   318   298  11.86  21.38 05-17-14:53
03   581   263   9.34  30.72 05-18-02:45
04   846   265  12.03  42.75 05-18-12:05
05   986   140  12.86  55.61 05-19-00:06
06  1163   177   8.61  64.22 05-19-12:58
07  1302   139   8.02  72.24 05-19-21:35
08  1345    43   7.42  79.66 05-20-05:36
09  1390    45   7.02  86.68 05-20-13:01
10  1437    47   5.96  92.64 05-20-20:02
11  1448    11   8.10 100.75 05-21-02:00
12  1468    20   7.06 107.81 05-21-10:06
13  1508    40   6.26 114.07 05-21-17:10
14  1535    27   6.33 120.39 05-21-23:26
15  1545    10   6.57 126.97 05-22-05:45
16  1547     2   6.76 133.73 05-22-12:20
17  1552     5   6.37 140.10 05-22-19:05
18  1556     4  11.80 151.90 05-23-01:27
19  1556     0   9.38 161.28 05-23-13:15

Helpful Docker Commands

Depending on how docker is installed, you made need to run commands with sudo.

Stop all running containers

docker stop $(sudo docker ps -a -q)

Remove all docker images

docker rmi $(docker image ls -a  --format  "{{.ID}}")

Remove stop all containers and remove unused images

docker system prune

Create a second connection to an existing container

➜ docker exec -it <container-id> /bin/bash

The container ID can be found using docker ps


Before contributing to MatDB please read the contributing guidelines.


Tracy_matdb is a software package for the construction of databases of materials properties from first principles calculations. The package also interfaces with machine learning algorithms handling the interaction between the database and the algorithms smoothly.



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