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Cucumber is a test automation tool following the principles of Behavioral Driven Development (BDD) and living documentation. Cucumber is written in plain English text called Gherkin. It is defined as a scenario of inputs, actions and outcomes. Every Gherkin step is “glued” to a step definition method that executes the step.

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Cucumber is a test automation tool following the principles of Behavioral Driven Development (BDD) and living documentation. Cucumber is written in plain English text called Gherkin. It is defined as a scenario of inputs, actions and outcomes. Every Gherkin step is “glued” to a step definition method that executes the step, using annotations and regular expressions.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


  • Java 8 * or higher is needed for ExtentReport5
  • Maven or Gradle - Dependency Management
  • JAVA IDE - (like Eclipse, IntelliJ, or soon)
  • JUnit - Testing Framework
  • Cucumber Eclipse plugin (in case using Eclipse)


A step by step series to get a Development Environment running

Download Java JDK
  1. Download the installer program from Oracle "Download Java" page:
  2. Download the correspondents JDK executable file to your OS (Operating System).
  3. Start the Java JDK Installer executable
  4. Select your installation folder
Set up Java JDK environment or change the PATH system variable
  1. In Search, search for and then select: System (Control Panel)
  2. Click the Advanced system settings link.
  3. Click Environment Variables.
  4. Click new and give the follwing name: JAVA_HOME, specify the value of the environment variable to Java JDK file in the Operating System.
  5. In the section System Variables find the PATH environment variable and select it.
  6. Click Edit.
  7. In the Edit System Variable (or New System Variable) window, specify the value of the PATH environment variable to the "bin" file of Java JDK path in the OS.
  8. Click OK. Close all remaining windows by clicking OK.
  9. Reopen Command prompt window, and run the command line: java --version
Download Eclipse Installer
  1. Download Eclipse Installer from
  2. Start the Eclipse Installer executable
  3. Select the package to install
  4. Select your installation folder
  5. Launch Eclipse
Installing Apache Maven on Windows
  1. Check Java Make sure you have a JDK installed on your system. Refer to Apache Maven System Requirements for details.
  2. Download Apache Maven
  3. Extract the Archive
  4. Create M2_HOME, MAVEN_HOME System variable (with the path to Apache Maven bin file in your System directory).
  5. In order to run Apache Maven, it is necessary to set up Path variable for M2_HOME, MAVEN_HOME: %M2_HOME% and %MAVEN_HOME%\bin
  6. Verify Apache Maven Installation In the opened CMD window, type the following command and press Enter: mvn --version

Install Cucumber Plugin

Installing Cucumber plugin in eclipse
  • Cucumber plugin & Natural plugin (optional) from Eclipse Marketplace
  • The Cucumber Eclipse plugin is a plugin that allows eclipse to understand the Gherkin syntax.
  • The Cucumber Eclipse Plugin highlights the keywords present in Feature File.
Installing Cucumber plugin in IntelliJ

Step 1 – Create Maven Project & Add Maven dependencies to pom.xml

Add the following dependencies to the pom.xml file

  1. Cucumber-core
  2. Cucumber-html
  3. Cucumber-java
  4. Cucumber-junit
  5. Cucumber-jvm-deps
  6. Cucumber-reporting
  7. Cobertura code coverage
  8. Hamcrest-core
  9. Gherkin
  10. Junit
  11. Selenium-java
  12. Log4j

Step 2: Create a feature file in src/test/resources/

Step 3: Create a Step Definition file in src/test/java

Step 4: Create a Cucumber Test Runner class in src/test/java

Built With


For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.



This project is not under any License - Open source


Cucumber is a test automation tool following the principles of Behavioral Driven Development (BDD) and living documentation. Cucumber is written in plain English text called Gherkin. It is defined as a scenario of inputs, actions and outcomes. Every Gherkin step is “glued” to a step definition method that executes the step.







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