This is a client server application with below components:
Client side:
- Angular 1.3
- Node WebKit (Build desktop applications)
- Socket (Event messaging)
- LDAP (User authentication)
- nw-notify (Desktop Notification)
Server side:
- Express (Node.js web framework)
- Socket (Event messaging)
- JWT (Token authentication)
- Mongoose ODM
- Node.js - Download & Install NodeJS and the npm package manager
- MongoDB - Download & Install MongoDB and make sure it's running on the default port 27017.
- RoboMongo (Optional) - Download & Install RoboMongo lightweight GUI for MongoDB. Create a new connection to the MongoDB server running at default port.
To install the server dependencies, navigate to the module 'easytm-server' and run below command from command-line:
npm install
This will install all the required dependencies for running the server.
To start the server run below command from command-line:
npm start
Once the server has started successfully you should be seeing the message 'server started' on your command-line.
REST API's exposed by the server and their usage are documented in the README file available in the module 'easytm-server'
To run the client application follow below steps:
Install nw from npm
npm install -g nw
To install the app dependencies, navigate to the module 'easytm-app' and run below command from command-line:
npm install
Change to the app directory 'easytm-app' and run below command:
nw .
We will be using nwbuilder for packaging our app
Install nw-builder from npm
npm install -g nw-builder
Package your app with below command nw-builder reference:
nwbuild -p <platform> <path_to_app> e.g. nwbuild -p win32 easytm-app/
Navigate to the build folder and run the app 'easytm-app.exe'